Re: Double Reed Susan Davis 26 Aug 1998 21:29 UTC

Our library holds a membership in this society.  We receive Double Reed
and the Journal of the International Double Reed Society.  Our Music
Library has cataloged it separately using RLIN.  We have the ISSN as
0092-0827.  Perhaps the publisher mistakenly printed the wrong ISSN on the

We show this title to be an annual.

I hope this information is useful in resolving your dilemma.


Susan Davis
Head, Periodicals
Central Technical Services
University at Buffalo
Lockwood Library Bldg.
Buffalo, NY  14260-2200
(716) 645-2784
(716) 645-5955 fax

On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, Emily McElroy wrote:

> Subject:  Double Reed
> I had a question about this title.  This is the first volume of this
> journal that we have received (v. 21).  It is ISSN 0741-7659.  We also
> recently received the title "Journal of the International Double Reed
> Society".  It has the same ISSN number, same title page features however
> it is different numbering and has a different title. It does not appear to
> be a new title since it is on number 26.  OCLC does not mention that this
> is a supplement and there is no record for the latter title.
> Our subscription agency says this in their online system, "Journal
> supplement included in subscription price.  Includes 3 issues of "Double
> Reed" and one issue of The Journal".
> Does anyone else receive this title and its supplement?  How have you
> cataloged it?
> Thanks a lot,
> Emily McElroy
> Serials Assistant
> DePaul University
> (773) 325-2443