Subscriptions added/cancelled (4 messages) Birdie MacLennan 02 Nov 1998 21:18 UTC

4 messages, 135 lines:

Date:         Mon, 2 Nov 1998 09:10:14 -0500
From:         Jan Lahmeyer <>
Subject:      Re: Subscriptions added/cancelled

Lee Cheng Ean <clbleece@NUS.EDU.SG> wrote:
> I am trying to finalise the criteria to use in order to generate accurate
> statistical reports on subscriptions added or cancelled, but had some
> problems with regards to bibliographic changes.  If it is a new title and
> new subscription, then no problem, I would count it as one new
> subscription.
> If a titled ceased publication, then no problem, I can count it as one
> subscription cancelled.
> However,
> a)  if Title A for which you had been subscribing to now becomes Title B,
> how do you count this?  Do you count iit as one cancellation and one new
> subscription?
> b) what about titles which merged, split etc?
> I would love to hear from those who have been involved in the preparation of
> reports in this area.
> Many thanks in advance.
> Ean
> Mrs Lee Cheng Ean
> Head, Serials
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Technical Services Division, Central Library,  National University of
> Singapore,
> 89 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119275
> Email:  Tel: (65) 8742035   Fax: (65) 7747180
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dear Ean,

It depends how far you intend to make differences and for what kind
of goals. In my point of view (influenced by the cataloguing
practice) all title changes (whether normal from A-B or mergers or
splittings) are counted as new titles; hence in acquisition
statistics I would say all are "new" subscriptions.


*   Jan J. Lahmeyer -  EML:
U   Unit Serial Publications  -  Cataloguing Section
*   Dept. Cataloguing & Acquisition  -| Central Library Service
*   Voice Phone (+31) 302536573   -  Fax (+31) 302539292
U   When cataloguing serials: someday you'll see every title again, they're like stalkers
*   so beware of the horror of the periodicals: it might snatch you!
*   Visit the website of the WESP:

Date:         Mon, 2 Nov 1998 10:58:13 -0800
From:         Carol Morse <MorsCa@WWC.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Subscriptions added/cancelled

We do not count title changes as either added or dropped, as far as
statistics go.

Carol Morse                                    Phone: 509:527-2684
Serials Librarian                              Fax::  509) 527-2001
Walla Walla College Library            Email:
105 S.W. Adams St.
College Place, WA  99324-1195

Grant us strength for the journey and wisdom to know the way.

Date:         Mon, 2 Nov 1998 08:33:52 -0600
From:         Jeanette Skwor <SKWORJ@GBMS01.UWGB.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Subscriptions added/cancelled

> a)  if Title A for which you had been subscribing to now becomes Title B,
> how do you count this?

***I don't.  It's a continuing subscription, albeit with a changed title,
and I haven't cancelled or added anything.

> b) what about titles which merged, split etc?

***I can't think, at the moment, of a title merging--I still wouldn't count
it as a cancellation, I don't think, probably just a dead title, like those
that cease publication.  Assuming the split periodical kept the original
title for one publication, I would add the new, other title and count it as
one added.

> I would love to hear from those who have been involved in the preparation of
> reports in this area.

***I count additions/cancellations quite literally.  Our categories are
cancelled subscriptions and new subscriptions, so that eliminates a lot of
hair-splitting.  Then we also have a subscription count, and that's where
things like dead titles/ceased publications would be shown and a title
count, which would show anything withdrawn.

***Good luck!

Jeanette Skwor
Cofrin Library
UW-Green Bay

Date:         Mon, 2 Nov 1998 09:52:34 -0500
From:         Marcia Tuttle <tuttle@EMAIL.UNC.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Subscriptions added/cancelled

Jeanette Skwor <SKWORJ@GBMS01.UWGB.EDU> wrote:

>> b) what about titles which merged, split etc?
> ***I can't think, at the moment, of a title merging--I still wouldn't
> count it as a cancellation, I don't think, probably just a dead title,
> like those that cease publication.

Jeannette, Sometimes titles really do merge! For example, in 1999 the
American Institute of Physics's _Computers in Physics_ and IEEE Computer
Society's _Computational Science & Engineering_ will merge to form
_Computing in Science and Engineering_ (published by IEEE Computer
