Re: Subscriptions added/cancelled Lee Cheng Ean 04 Nov 1998 00:34 UTC

Thank you very much to those who have responded. I am happy that we are able
to generate some discussion on this.  It seems like a simple task to
perform, there are so many different ways of doing it.  I do not need to
have a code in the SCODE because I create a list of active subscriptions
based on active checkin records,  (checkin exist).  An inactive subscription
would have an inactive checkin record (checkin not exist).  So there is no
problem here.

I also have codes to denote paid, package, gift or joint free subscription
in one of the SCODEs.   So at any one time I can generate a list of all
active subscriptions by type.  The only problem is we cannot cross over to
the order records to retrieve the prices, etc.  That has to be done

I agree we have to separate Collection statistics from Subscription
statistics.  I maintain both. Like I said, the problem is actually keeping
track of how many new subscriptions you have added and how many you have
cancelled/deleted that give rise to problems.


Mrs Lee Cheng Ean
Head, Serials
Technical Services Division, Central Library,  National University of
89 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119275
Email:  Tel: (65) 8742035   Fax: (65) 7747180
 ---------- Original message ------------
> From:         Marilee Rouillard <mrouilla@KEENE.EDU>
> Sent:         Wednesday, November 04, 1998 3:22 AM
> Subject:      Re: Subscriptions added/cancelled
> I am doing what the message below indicates (I use a for active in the
> scode) but I am watching this discussion because I now need to produce
> separate lists of how many were cancelled, ordered, died or merged and who
> paid what for them....All lists separate by type, and by date.  Just a
> running total won't be enough, so plan bigger.
> Marilee H. Rouillard, Supervisor Periodicals Department, Mason Library
> Keene State College, Keene, NH 03435-3201
>  (603)358-2756
> >(2)----------------------------
> Date:         Tue, 3 Nov 1998 10:40:15 -0600
> From:         "L. Hunter Kevil" <mulkevil@SHOWME.MISSOURI.EDU>
> Subject:      Re: Subscriptions added/cancelled
>>My two cents on this problem:
>>In software there is a big difference between maintaining running counts and
>>performing a new count whenever a total is needed. Generally the latter is
>>the better option, because running totals can easily get off and cannot be
>>corrected. Our mistakes simply cumulate. The better choice might be simply
>>to calculate the figures you need each time you need them. Perhaps using an
>>Innovative SCODE to indicate whether a check-in record is for an active,
>>currently received serial would be enough. When a title becomes no longer
>>current, either by reason of cancellation, cessation, or cancellation, you
>>simply change that one code. Then whenever you need to know the number of
>>currently received serials you would use that field to compute the total.