ARL Digital Initiatives Database (fwd) Birdie MacLennan 05 Nov 1998 14:38 UTC

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-------------- Forwarded message -----------------
Date:    Wed, 4 Nov 1998 17:27:47 -0500
From:    Karen Zuidema <>
Subject: ARL Digital Initiatives Database

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                  ARL Digital Initiatives Database

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL), in cooperation with the
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), has developed and is accepting
submissions for a database of digital initiative projects taking place in
or involving libraries. The objective of the ARL Digital Initiatives
Database is to gather information about digital projects of all sizes
and scope together in one place. Representation of a wide range of projects
will identify knowledge and technical skills within the library community
and promote information sharing.

Projects submitted to the database can be browsed alphabetically by
project title or by host institution. Brief displays provide a project
description and a link to the project site. It is also possible to link to
a full record display that provides contact information, objectives, and
subject analysis for the project. A search option allows retrieval
on most components of the full record. The site also contains links to
related resources such as the Digital Images Clearinghouse and the
National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH) site
that identifies best examples of digital projects.

Interested parties are invited to view the database and submit projects
through the admission form located at the ARL Digital Initiatives
Database site at:

For more information, please contact Dru Mogge ( or
Karen H. Zuidema (