Re: Policy for integrating E-journals w/ the paper collection Carol Morse 16 Nov 1998 19:42 UTC

When we started Ebscohost, we dropped a few journals that were rarely
used, offered in full text.  We have not had more than 1 complaint that I
know of.  However, we also dropped "Foreign Affairs" and had to reinstate
it because the history majors were complaining.  They needed to browse the
current issue, and most of the periodicals on Ebscohost include full text
on the next to the latest issue on back (publishers' restrictions), so you
will definitely want to think of those implications before dropping any
paper.  Some full text is not really full; items are left out.  When the
vendor doesn't receive a journal (they have the same problems with
claiming we do), that issue might be absent from the full text database.
There is also the question of changing full text vendors, with different
vendors having different titles with full text.  Also, when you change,
you lose the text of certain titles that may be important to your
patrons.  My boss has said, No more cutting, the situation is too
volatile.  That is, unless we face a serials budget crisis, which we
haven't yet.  Carol Morse

Carol Morse                                    Phone: 509:527-2684
Serials Librarian                              Fax::  509) 527-2001
Walla Walla College Library            Email:
105 S.W. Adams St.
College Place, WA  99324-1195

Grant us strength for the journey and wisdom to know the way.

Aurora Ioanid <aioanid@HAWKMAIL.MONMOUTH.EDU> 11/13 10:24 AM wrote:
> Dear Serialists,
> I would like to know if anybody has already set policies as to how or
> based on what criteria their library will integrate e-journal (available
> in various commercial databases, like EBSCO, etc.) with the paper
> format.
> I would also be very grateful if somebody would share with me any
> existing procedures as to the maintenance of the data currency (vendors
> are dropping or adding new e-journals)
> Thank a lot for your help
> Aurora Ioanid
> Bibliographic Control, Head
> Monmouth University Library
> West Long Branch, NJ
