Re: Cambio-16 Jean-Pierre KAUFFMANN 20 Nov 1998 14:42 UTC


We have the same problem, here in Angers and in Paris, France!

Last issue received:
no. 1398, 14 Septiembre 1998
checked-in on September 17, 1998

redaccion : correo electronico :

Our vendor
Dawson wrote on November 6, 1998:
"A la suite de restructurations internes, l'envoi des numeros de Cambio16 a
ete retarde.
L'editeur nous informe qu'il resorbe son retard et que tous les numeros
manquants seront envoyes dans les prochains jours (info edit 10/1998)."

[editor's translation (traduction libre) -B.MacLennan, serialst moderator:

"Due to internal restructuring, issuance of Cambio-16 has been delayed.
The publisher informs us that the situation has been resolved and that
missing issues will be sent in the days ahead." /bml ]

Responsable Service information documentation
President de l'ACIEGE, Association des responsables
de centres d'information des ecoles de gestion
ESSCA Ecole superieure des sciences commerciales d'Angers
Angers, Budapest, Cholet, Paris
telephone : +33 (0)2 41 73 47 52
telecopie : +33 (0)2 41 73 47 89

> 5 messages, 86 lines:
> (1)---------------------------
> Date:         Thu, 19 Nov 1998 18:56:18 -0500
> From:         Glen Mahoney <>
> Organization: Smith College Libraries
> Subject: Re:  Cambio-16
> Our most recent issue of _Cambio 16_ also is no.1393 for August 10,
> 1998.  It was checked-in on August 21, 1998.  Our vendor is Faxon
> and, until now, the issues had come regularly without problems.
> /=\/=\/=\/=\/=\/=\/=\/=\/=\/=\/=\/=\/=\/=\/=\/=\/=\/=\
> Glen K. Mahoney           email:
> Periodicals/Acquisitions            phone: 413-585-2983
> William Allan Neilson Library       fax: 413-585-2904
> Smith College
> Northampton MA 01063-0001
> (2)----------------------------
> Date:         Thu, 19 Nov 1998 20:39:18 -0600
> From:         Anne Liebst <LIEBST@HARVEY.BAKERU.EDU>
> Subject:      Re: Cambio-16
> Our last issue was also Aug. 10.  EBSCO has been unable to reach them
> for an explanation.
> Anne Liebst
> Government Documents/Periodical Librarian
> Baker University
> Collins Library
> Baldwin City, KS 66006
> (3)----------------------------
> Date:         Fri, 20 Nov 1998 08:10:16 -0500
> From:         Marnie Hubbard <hubbardm@WARTBURG.EDU>
> Subject:      Re: Cambio-16
> You're doing better than we are.  Our last issue was May 25.
>     Marnie Hubbard <hubbardm@WARTBURG.EDU>
> (4)---------------------------
> Date:         Fri, 20 Nov 1998 08:45:56 -0500
> From:         Wendy Slader <wslader@BRYANT.EDU>
> Subject:      Re: Cambio-16
> Hi Charles:
> Same here; last received was August 10th.  I've got claims in to EBSCO for
> them but haven't received anything....  Obviously, something's up....
> Thanks for enlightening!!
> Wendy Slader
> Serials
> Hodgson Memorial Library
> Bryant College
> Smithfield, RI  02917
> (5)---------------------------
> Date:         Fri, 20 Nov 1998 08:49:32 EST
> From:         Barbara Imes <>
> Subject:      Re: Cambio-16
> That is the last I received.  I claimed them but haven't received a reply
> from them.
> Barbara Imes
> Periodicals Assistant
> Myrin Library
> Ursinus College
> Collegeville, PA
> On Thu, 19 Nov 1998, Charles Dabkowski wrote:
> > Our last issue of Cambio-16 was the August 10 issue.  Has anyone
> > gotten any more recent issues?
> >
> > Charles T. Dabkowski
> > Head of Acquisitions & Serials
> > Niagara University Library
> > Niagara University, NY 14109
> >

If in today's society information is seen more and more as
a commodity having value, what price those who provide this