Binding title-specific indexes -summary Lauren Corbett 20 Nov 1998 19:52 UTC

Thank you for the replies to my questions. I thought I'd share a

Of replies from 11 libraries, most handled the indexes in a
combination of ways according to timing of arrival and thickness.  I
categorized from the comments I received:

7 bind thicker indexes separately (pam, professional or in-house)
5 tip in thinner indexes
4 hold issues until the indexes arrive
4 discard the indexes (unless it is the sole source of indexing or
   is particularly helpful with specialized disciplines)
3 bind if the indexes arrive in time
2 smaller libraries shelve without a binding
2 prefer not to rebind
1 does rebind

------- Original Message Follows -------
From:          Self <TEAL/LCORBETT>
Subject:       Binding title-specific indexes
Date:          Tue, 17 Nov 1998 17:11:56 EST

I am interested in hearing how other libraries currently handle
bindng the indexes that come with subscriptions.  These frequently
arrive well past the logical time for binding, particularly the
indexes that cover a range of volumes rather than a single volume.
They are not numbered issues of the subscription.

One option is to bind and then later tip in the smaller indexes.  Do
some libraries rebind entire volumes or separately pam bind if they
are too large to tip in?  Do many libraries simply discard these
title-specific indexes if the journal is indexed in another major
source in the library?

This was discussed in 1993, but I'm wondering if things have changed.
Here is a snip from a Dec. 16, 1993 message in the Serialst archive:

QUESTION 2:  What do you do with Indexes and Tables of Contents provided by the
journal?  (At Wilkes, we have taped them in *after* the volume was already

Five libraries reported that they do not attach these items to the bound
volume; but rather in one way or another just ignore them or gather them in a
separate file.

Eight libraries reported that they collect these materials and hold them for
binding at the time the journal issues are bound.

One library will tip them in after binding.

One library does pam binding of the indexes and tables of contents.

* * * * * * * * *

I expect to make some changes in local practice after reading all this!

Jo McClamroch
Serials Librarian, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, PA
--end snip--

I will gladly summarize individual responses for the list, but
posting to the list may benefit others needing an update on this

Lauren Corbett
Serials Services Librarian
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA  23529-0256
Phone: (757) 683-4144
Fax: (757) 683-5954