Re: Time Digital (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 24 Nov 1998 21:23 UTC

2 messages, 40 lines:

Date:         Tue, 24 Nov 1998 13:56:29 -0500
From:         Gregory Szczyrbak <gszczyrb@MARAUDER.MILLERSV.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Time Digital

Laura Vogler wrote:
> Has anyone else started receiving Time Digital with their regular Time
> subscription?  What have you decided to do with this?  Currently, I am
> just checking them in as supplemental issues but am curious to know what
> everyone else is doing.

        I was just thinking the same thing today.  I'm going to send our
copies to our Collection Development Librarian ask her to make a decision
about retention.

Gregory Szczyrbak                       (717) 872-3645 DESK
Millersville University                 (717) 872 3854 FAX
Ganser Library - Periodicals  
Millersville, PA 17551        

Date:         Tue, 24 Nov 1998 11:51:48 -0700
From:         Julia Franklin <jfrank@ISL.STATE.ID.US>
Subject:      Time Digital -Reply

Hello, I am also checking Time Digital in as a supplement to Time.  There
is a note on the bottom of the cover that says, Supplement to Time.  I
could not find it referenced anywhere else in the piece.

Just My $.02 worth.

Julia Franklin
Serials LA
Idaho State Library
Boise, Idaho.