Re: Time Digital Marion Meilaender 25 Nov 1998 13:29 UTC

Laura Vogler <> 11/24 1:27 PM wrote:
> Has anyone else started receiving Time Digital with their regular Time
> subscription?  What have you decided to do with this?  Currently, I am
> just checking them in as supplemental issues but am curious to know what
> everyone else is doing.

We began receiving Time Digital in September, and initially I checked it
in as a supplement until I woke up to the fact that it has its own
vol./issue numbers: e.g., the Nov. 30 issue is v. 3:7. Once I noticed
this, I consulted our cataloguing department, and since it does have an
OCLC entry (although even the LC isn't sure when publication began!), we
are now treating it as a separate entity and are giving ourselves
headaches trying to decide what to do about binding it--we were just about
to post this question to SERIALST when Laura Vogler's query arrived!

Marion Meilaender, Periodicals Dept.
Albion College Library
Albion, MI 49224