Ceasing paper, continuing web Rachel Hollis 01 Dec 1998 00:04 UTC

we seem to have had a run on periodical titles that cease publication in
paper format but continue to publish on the web.  the first one we had
seemed straight forward enough but now that we've had some more of these
buggers, i'm beginning to rethink my initial decisions.  how are you folks
out there in serials land handing these little guys?  my thought was to
close our holdings, leave the fixed fields, 260 and 362 alone but add a 500
note explaining the change in format and a 856 for the url.  our first was
hitachi review (issn:0018-277X) and the latest (and the one to prompt this
email) is ada (air defense artillery) magazine (lccn:sn 91023558).


Rachel Hollis, Serials Librarian   _/    _/   _/_/_/    _/_/_/
Naval Postgraduate School         _/_/  _/   _/   _/  _/_/
Monterey California              _/  _/_/   _/_/_/       _/
5704p@vm1.cc.nps.navy.mil       _/    _/   _/       _/_/_/
