CD-ROM and Print Versions of the Same Journal Lesley Tweddle 01 Dec 1998 18:58 UTC

Hallo everyone.

First, a word of thanks for the Serialst archives.  They are marvellous,
and I've dug out a lot of useful opinion on compact shelving, filing by
title or call number, etc.

But I have a question that I've not seen in the archives.  Maybe I just
wasn't using the lucky search term.

If you are paying for a print subscription to a journal, and a CD
version gets thrown in free, what do you do with the CDs?  Not how do
you catalog them, but

1. Do you make them available?
2. Do you retain the CD backfiles?
3. Do you keep them on open shelves?
4. Do you circulate them? (If so, do you also circulate print journals?)
5. Do you confine their use to the Library?
6. Or (since you didn't ask for them in the first place) do you just
dustbin them?

And what was the main consideration underlying your decisions?

Lesley Tweddle
Head, Serials Dept
American University in Cairo Library