Union list query Frieda Rosenberg 01 Dec 1998 07:52 UTC

Hello Serialists:
  The UNC-Chapel Hill main library is contemplating union listing for the
first time and are considering our options.  One of them is certainly the
OCLC Union List subsystem.  However, we have some concerns.
  One of our big concerns is our many split runs--older volumes in storage
or in the main collection, newer volumes in a science or other branch
  Though we are using the DRA MARC Format for Holdings implementation
(Enhanced Holdings), there is no real provision for summarizing different
holdings files into a single display by any automated process.
  Has anyone in the broader library world found ways to summarize runs
which are divided among different holdings files?
  If manual work is the only option, does anyone at all have some staff
cost or other figures they would be willing to share?
  Thanks for any information.
Frieda Rosenberg
Serials Cataloging
Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill