Re: Ceasing paper, continuing web Mary Grenci 01 Dec 1998 20:04 UTC

On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, Rachel Hollis wrote:

> how are you folks
> out there in serials land handing these little guys?  my thought was to
> close our holdings, leave the fixed fields, 260 and 362 alone but add a 500
> note explaining the change in format and a 856 for the url.

This was my first thought here as well, many moons ago when this started
happening. But, it no longer seems right in my mind and doesn't seem to
mesh with CCM and multiple versions. We are now closing out the record for
the print when it ceases and creating a new record for the format change.

FYI, we have opted to use the one-record approach in cases where we
receive both the paper and the online version of the title. We do this
regardless of whether or not the title is the same and don't even worry
too much about if it falls into the category of "equivalent intellectual
content" (we deal with these by considering them "related web sites",
which we also add).

But, once the paper ceases it's a different story. You can no longer say
that you have different versions of the same thing, and there's no chance
that it will still be "equivalent intellectual content". It now becomes a
format change.

The question is, though, how do you deal with it? I've just recently had
to handle a couple and looked in the CCM for appropriate guidelines. There
aren't any. This seems odd considering how frequently it's occurring these
days, but I checked with some CONSER catalogers  and was assured I'm
correct. This situation is not yet covered in the manual.

I plan on writing to Jean Hirons with the details of what types of
situations I'd like to see covered in the rules. In the meantime, I have
gotten feedback on some of my thoughts and will have to go with that. (If
you're interested in the specifics of notes and fields let me know. I'm
not including them here because they are in no way "definitive".)


Mary Grenci
Serials Catalog Librarian
Knight Library
1299 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1299