Re: CD-ROM and Print Versions of the Same Journal Roberta Winjum 02 Dec 1998 19:48 UTC

On Wed, 2 Dec 1998, Cecilia Leathem wrote:

> We have been receiving quite a few CD ROMs for journals that we
> subscribe to in hard copy.  So far, they live in a box under my desk,
> because we have yet to make a decision on how to handle them.

Your reply made me smile, as our accompanying CD ROMS, diskettes, etc.,
live on a book truck in the corner of my office. Perhaps we should note on
the bib record "Kept somewhere in Head of Serials office"???

Seriously, our library policy says that we shelve these with the materials
they accompany, in our open stacks, and allow them to circulate. But I
think we'll modify the policy slightly for serials, to a contingency plan,
and put each wherever it makes the most sense: we may discard them, put
them in the stacks, or keep behind the reference desk, depending on logic
and what the public services librarians prefer.

If I ever get that done...

By the way, I don't think these are increasing in numbers--it's a set
group of titles now, that continue to come with accompanying media. So it
won't be unmanageable once it's set up.

Roberta Winjum
Head of Serials
University of Hawaii at Manoa Library
2550 The Mall
Honolulu, HI 96822