Re: Online Access to Full-Text Sources (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 08 Dec 1998 22:09 UTC

2 messages, 136 lines:

Date:         Wed, 9 Dec 1998 08:53:49 +1100
From:         Stephen Lacey <slacey@NLA.GOV.AU>
Subject:      Re: Online Access to Full-Text Sources

The messages we have received ask you to contact your EBSCO Customer
Service Representative.

Stephen Lacey
Manager, Serial Orders
National Library of Australia
Tel: +61 (02) 6262 1321
Fax: + 61(02) 6273 4322

Date:         Tue, 8 Dec 1998 14:14:39 -0500
From:         Susan Markley <markley@UCIS.VILL.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Online Access to Full-Text Sources (4 messages)

I have read with interest the responses from Ebsco customers on those
titles offering online access to periodicals I subscribe to in paper.  We
received from Ebsco several hundred sheets with those "online" titles, but
nowhere was there any indication if the online access included full text,
or abstracts or selected online access or just Table of Contents.  When I
called the Customer Service Rep, I was told it was MY responsibility to
contact EACH publisher for that information.  They recommended I go
through each publisher's Home page [no URL was offered, rather it was
suggested that I check inside each journal itself for the URL] to find my
answers and instructions for accessing their journals.  Since I have
neither the time nor inclination to contact all these publishers on my
own, gathering the appropriate information [that I thought was included in
my service charges to Ebsco] was put on hold.

Susan Markley
Villanova University
Villanova PA
Susan B. Markley
Head, Periodical Department
Falvey Memorial Library
Villanova University

----------- Original message -------------
> 4 messages, 89 lines:
> (1)--------------------------
> Date:         Tue, 8 Dec 1998 08:29:00 -0600
> From:         Dena Luce <dluce@FAULKNER.EDU>
> Organization: Faulkner University
> Subject:      Re: Online Access to Full-Text Sources
> Yes, Betsy, we now have online access to 2 titles which we also receive in
> print.  I was contacted by my Customer Service Rep at ESS who gave me the
> instructions to follow to get us signed up.  I would contact your Customer
> Service Rep about the matter or your Sales Rep if that doesn't work.
> Dena Lahue Luce, M.L.S.                     (334) 260-6209 phone
> Public Services Librarian                      (334) 260-6299 fax
> Faulkner University                   
> Gus Nichols Library
> 5345 Atlanta Hwy.
> Montgomery, AL 36109-3398
>                                    HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
> (2)--------------------------
> Date:         Tue, 8 Dec 1998 09:30:25 -0500
> From:         "Susan E. Sturgeon" <ssturgeo@SALEM.MASS.EDU>
> Subject:      Re: Online Access to Full-Text Sources
> You have to contact your sales rep (?) at Ebsco who then has to get your
> IP addresses to pass on to the publishers.
> SALEM MA 01970
> NEW E-mail
> (3)-------------------------
> Date:         Tue, 8 Dec 1998 10:52:18 -0500
> From:         Dahrl Moore <MOORE@FAU.EDU>
> Subject:      Re: Online Access to Full-Text Sources
> Betsy, Call your rep.  I received a stack of titles that were available,
> 129 to be exact and have had a couple more batches since, re the free
> online access.  Dahrl Moore, Florida Atlantic University Library
> (4)--------------------------
> Date:         Tue, 8 Dec 1998 08:43:00 -0800
> From:         Marcella Lesher <acadmarc@STMARYTX.EDU>
> Subject:      Re: Online Access to Full-Text Sources
> If someone from EBSCO is on this list, they may have a better response
> than me.  It is my understanding that EBSCO is contacting individual
> publishers on behalf of their clients and giving them information
> regarding IP addresses, etc.  We responded to several letters EBSCO sent
> to us and I have received  responses from several publishers with a
> wide variety of instructions on how to access their online publications.
> Some of the publishers make it pretty clear that they are providing only
> a free trial subscription to online access.  Because there is such a
> wide variety of ways to get to these various publications, I am not
> sure that we are going to take advantage of many of these offers.  It
> is difficult to get this information out to our patrons.
> Marcella Lesher
> Periodicals Librarian
> Academic Library
> St. Mary's University
> San Antonio, TX
> <acadmarc@STMARYTX.EDU>
> ----------- Original message -----------
> On Mon, 7 Dec 1998, Betsy Luce wrote:
> > Hello,
> > Has anyone received information from Ebsco that they can get
> > online access to the full-text of certain journals they subscribe to
> > through Ebsco by contacting them?
> > I have tried this and have been unsuccessful.
> > Is there a place to go for this information? Does anyone know how
> > to access them?
> > Thanks,
> > Betsy
> >
> > Betsy Cecilia Luce
> > Shea Memorial Library
> > American International College
> > Springfield, MA  01109
> > Mon-Thurs 4:30pm-12:00am
> >