Ejournal Survey: Bundled Databases Impact Konny Thompson 17 Dec 1998 00:05 UTC

Below is a survey for United States academic serials librarians, to gather
information to be presented at the NASIG conference next June by  Rayette
Wilder and myself.  We are librarians at Gonzaga University in Spokane,
Washington. We are sending this to several lists, so please excuse the
duplication.  We would like to have the replies by February 15 -- and please
be sure to reply to my address (thompson@its.gonzaga.edu) and not to the
list. Thanks in advance for the effort of filling this out.

 Konny Thompson <Thompson@ITS.GONZAGA.EDU>

> Bundled Databases Impact on Serials Acquisitions in Academic Libraries
> Survey
> Bundled databases are a collections of databases which may consist of
> bibliographic citations, full-text articles or both which are licensed as
> one indivisible unit.  The proliferation of journal articles available
> from full-text databases has dramatically impacted library services.
> Serials acquisitions has arguably born the brunt of this impact.  This
> survey is designed to assess the changes to serial acquisitions in
> academic libraries created by the licensing of bundled databases.
> Questions:
> 1.    Name of institution.
> 2.    Your job title
> 3.    Size of institution based on student FTE and annual serials budget.
> 4.    How many bundled databases do you subscribe to?  Please list.
> 5.    Has your library received an influx of new funding to pay for the
> bundled database or are you spending from unaugmented funds? Do the
> database license payments come from serials budget or another budget line?
> 6.    Who negotiates the licensing agreement?
> 7.    Does your institution participate in consortial licensing?  For
> which databases?
> 8.    Has your purchasing power for paper serials been reduced as a result
> of the purchase of full-text databases?
> 9.    If you subscribe to a bundled product, what percentage of titles
> would you choose to order on an individual title basis (okay to estimate)?
> 10.   Does your institution have any policy on buying packaged or bundled
> full-text products?
> 11.   Are you familiar with the International Coalition of Library
> Consortia's standards policy for the purchase of electronic serials and
> databases? Does your institution comply with or support the standards
> policy for the purchase of electronic serials and databases? Have you
> adopted these guidelines for license acceptance?  If not, have you
> developed your own guidelines for accepting licenses?
> 12.   What has influenced your decision to follow the guidelines or set
> your own standards?
> 13.   Are the technological capabilities of your institution and your
> primary constituents taken into consideration when licensing a new product
> (e.g. can distance education students access the database, do you need the
> latest version of software, etc)?
> 14.   Did you cancel any print subscriptions when you acquired the bundled
> database?  What guided that decision?  If the database drops full-text
> coverage of a title does your institution have policies or guidelines for
> this situation?