Help! Need Bioscene subscription info. Diane Neumeister 18 Dec 1998 23:23 UTC

I've got a request for a new journal from a biology professor and I'm
stumped! He would like me to order:

Bioscene: Journal of College Biology Teaching. Published by The Association
 of College and University Biology Educators (ACUBE).

Previous titles: AMCBT Newsletter (1964-1974) and AMCBT Proceedings

The above is all the information the professor has.

This is NOT the Bioscene which has something to do with BIOSIS.  The one I
want is apparently not listed in Ulrich's International Periodicals
Directory 1998.

The ACUBE website has no subscription information and the webmaster (he's
apparently also the editor) has so far not responded my request for either
subscription information or a referral to the person in charge of

Even our subscription agency's customer service rep. ---- who can usually
find anything ---- has struck out.

So . . . . Does anyone out there have a phone number, address or e-mail
address where I could get subscription information?

Thank you for any help you can give!

Diane Neumeister
Serials Asst.
Wahlert Memorial Library
Loras College