New Crisis--Thanks and Summary (Don Page) Marcia Tuttle 22 Feb 1999 12:02 UTC

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Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 15:27:30 -0700
From: Don Page <djpage@CSUPOMONA.EDU>
Subject: New Crisis--Thanks and Summary

Thanks to all who responded to my posting regarding The Crisis (The New
Crisis) magazine.  It has helped tremendously.

Based on those libraries reporting back to me with their issues in hand:

 VOL=104:1 Jul 1997;
 VOL=104:2 Oct 1997;
 VOL=104:3 Dec-Jan 1998;
 VOL=105:1 Feb-Mar 1998;
 VOL=105:2 Apr-May 1998;
 VOL=105:3 Jul 1998;  (misprinted 106:3)
 VOL=105:4 Sep-Oct 1998;
 VOL=105:5 Nov 1998;
 VOL=105:6 Dec-Jan 1999;

Publisher requests claims be made by date, NOT issue number. Publication
was suspended the first half of 1997.

Back issues can be obtained from:
New Crisis Magazine, 4805 Mt. Hope Dr., Baltimore, MD 21215-3297.

As nearly as I can tell, the frequency stated in my original list posting
is correct according to the publisher's statement, but publisher is not
sticking to it!

Don Page
Donald J. Page                   Calif. State Polytechnic University
Library Assistant IV            Library, Periodicals Unit, 15-210
Voice: (909)869-3089             3801 W. Temple Ave.
Fax:   (909)869-6922             Pomona, CA 91768