Re: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports questions (John Lucas) Marcia Tuttle 22 Feb 1999 17:02 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 10:45:24 -0600
From: John Lucas <jlucas@ROWLAND.UMSMED.EDU>

Iapologize for the "cryptic" first message sent latte on Friday PM. (need
anything else be said)

On the web site, you can open up the appropriate year, and go to
each individual issue, then by looking at the articles, see where the
question lies.  There are also the sections dealing with the
"Recomendation & Reports (RR- )" and "Surveillance Summaries SS- )"  For
volume 47, 1998, it shows SS # 1-5 and RR # 1-20

We subscribe through the Massachusetts Medical Society for our main copy
of MMWR.  We also are getting it from D.H.H.S.  We early on discovered
that we would usually not receive some of the Mass. Med. Soc. issues and
had a difficult time replacing them. Between the two copies, we have been
able to come up with a complete volume although there is a lot of
duplication.  We bind our Mass. Med. Soc. copy because we are paying for
it, and then can offer our GIFT D.H.H.S. issues on BackMed for others to
vie for.  Any remaining issues are then recycled.(The paper is not clay
impregnated and can be recycled)

In the D.H.H.S. copies of the issues in question (# 36,37,& 38) the blank
pages are numbered, giving the continuous pagination.  In the Mass. Med.
Soc. copies, the blank pages are not.

I hope this answers all the questions originally asked.

Concerning the "Blank" pages after the issues indicated, I will have to
check our copies as well.

However on the question of the RR and SS 'supplements' you can check the
MMWR home page.  Because it is U.S. Gov't publication, there is no need
for password access.  You might check those specific issues to see where
the full text ends on your print copy, and compare with the web issue.

Try and then go from there.

Will look at my issues Monday.

John Lucas

Serials Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 North State St
Jackson, MS 39216-4505

(PH) (601) 984-1277

John Lucas

Serials Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 North State St
Jackson, MS 39216-4505

(PH) (601) 984-1277

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 12:13:46 -0500
From: Natalie Gorvine <GORVINE@EMAIL.CHOP.EDU>
Subject: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports questions

Hello all.  I've been wondering (probably too late to do anything
constructive about it) if others have blank pages instead of text for
the following:

MMWR, Vol. 47, #36 p. 764; #37, p. 788; and #38, pp. 815-816.  (Issue
dates Sept. 18, Sept. 25, & Oct. 2, 1998)

When I claimed them I received duplicates of two of the problematic
copies (never even rec'd. another of the third) and they were STILL
problematic.  I also received a copy on exchange from another library;
it too was missing text.  Most recently, when I tried to ask for a
different issue from yet another library, that person discovered that
her copy also lacked the page I needed.

If people have complete versions of the issues in question, do you
receive them directly from the federal government?  Ours come via the
Massachusetts Medical Society.  I'm trying to find out where the problem
originated and if it can be corrected.

For a while I thought that I might be able to fill in my gaps from the
MMWR website, but the missing pages are the beginnings of the articles &
I don't know their titles.  The website does not seem to allow for
searching simply by volume, issue, & page number - unless I am missing

A different question : does anyone know if for v. 47, 1998 there are SS
issues beyond SS-5, or RR issues beyond RR-20?  We keep our regular MMWR
issues in large looseleaf binders but last year began sending the
supplemental issues to be professionally bound, in order to reduce the
clutter in our title workroom, where we keep all sorts  of  loose
things.  Is there a way to find out if I have a complete set of
Recommendations and Reports and Surveillance Summaries for any given

So - if any savvy SERIALSTer has further information or suggestions for
me on either or both of the above matters, I'd be most appreciative.
You've helped before with tricky or unusual problems, so I am hopeful.
Meanwhile, happy weekend, everyone.

Thanks in advance. - Natalie

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