Re: Questions regarding PEDIATRICS John Lucas 02 Feb 1999 20:44 UTC

Indeed the pages 1225 - 1331 are in the online version only.  I have also
contacted the publisher with the following additional information.

I posed the question a few questions and received a response from Mr. Kent
Anderson, Director, Division of medical Journals & Professional Periodicals,
American Academy of Pediatrics

Q:      For 1999, will your previously printed " part 2 "
Supplements be in on-line version only?

A:     [We are offering online-only supplements in order to advance
scientific discourse, not to frustrate librarians. In short, print is
expensive, online is cheaper. So, we were having to turn down some fine
supplements from great organizations with little funding with the
"print-only" motif. Now, we can offer broad distribution online to smaller
organizations who cannot afford the cost of print. We have published one
more online-only supplement in January 1999, with another possible in the

Mr. Anderson also said
[Please see our January issue for an example of this. We've already
started improving our implementation of online supplements.]

As for the " green pages" David mentioned with some concern:

Those pages can be accessed from the Pediatrics Home page and does not
need the customer id number.

This can be done by logging into the home page and

1.  click on the left side arrow that says "Search and browse all issues"

2.   Click on " List of all issues by date "

3.  Select " year " then "issue"

4.  Under the issue click " Articles " under ELECTRONIC CONTENTS.  That
will bring up the citations for the issue.  You can either view just the
abstract or the entire article.

Those articles on the green

John Lucas
Serials Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 North State St
Jackson, MS 39216-4505

(PH) (601) 984-1277

>>> David Weeks <weeks@Upei.CA> 02/02 6:34 AM wrote >>>
Good morning folks,

I have some thoughts and questions regarding the title Pediatrics.
We recently cancelled our subscription for 1999 partly because the
title was fulltext on EBSCOHOST Elite. When we went to bind vol. 102,
1998 we realized that we were missing pages 1225-1331 (the Nov.
suppl.). We called the publisher and were told that the supplements
were now published only online. We went into Ebscohost and of course
the online supplement was not listed. Since we cancelled our
subscription we were unable to obtain the supplement on the
Pediatrics web site.

It has also come to our attention that with every issue of Pediatrics
there are approx. 10-14 articles published only online. The abstracts
of these articles are included in every issue (the green pages).
NOTE: Medline indexes these abstracts by abstract no. (E numbers) but
does not give the consecutive numbered pages where these abstracts
are found in the issue (Ebscohost does include the abstract of these
articles as included in the print copy but do not have any of the
electronic articles).

Does anyone know whether the online material is going to be included
in Ebscohost (we do have a query to Ebsco)? Am I correct in assuming
that it will be necessary to maintain a subscription to Pediatrics in
order to access the online articles?

Oh what fun!!!

I would appreciate any comments.
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