Re: Display of periodicals (Vani Murthy) Marcia Tuttle 24 Feb 1999 23:54 UTC

Please reply to Vani Murthy at Thanks!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 17:05:00 -0500
From: "Murthy, Vani" <vmurthy@MC.CC.MD.US>
Subject: Re: Display of periodicals

I am a new serials librarian--and I would like some advice on display of
periodicals.  Is there a certain proportion of total number of periodicals
subscribed that should be on display in an academic library?  Is anyone
aware of any books that are available about this subject?  Are there any
guidelines to follow in displaying periodicals? Please send any  replies to
me individually and not to the listserv. I will be happy to post a summary
of all answers on the listserv for those who are interested.