Re: MARCIVE serials records and microfiche Shelby Harken 05 Feb 1999 14:43 UTC


This situation is frustrating and can also happen in the reverse. MARCIVE
told us that if the 074 has (MF) in it, we will usually get a fiche record.

If the item is published in paper originally with some libraries getting
fiche, and GPO sends us microfiche, and MARCIVE sends a print record:
we add microfiche information to the print record

If the item is published in paper originally with some libraries getting
fiche, and GPO sends us print, and MARCIVE sends a fiche record:
we catalog the print on OCLC and get rid of the fiche record

If it is a serial with mixed print and fiche, I use the print record.

This is discussed on our homepage in the "Microfiche" section at:

Shelby E. Harken Head, Acquisitions/Bibliographic Control
Box 9000
Chester Fritz Library
University of North Dakota
Grand Forks, ND 58202

At 03:39 PM 2/4/99 -0700, Gary W. Mayhood wrote:
>Hello All!!!
>I am in the process of training a staff member who is in charge of editing
>MARCIVE records that have been downloaded into our online system in some
>basics in serials cataloging, especially handling title changes, and
>bumping some of these serials off.  We have run across a number of title
>changes where the new title is now in microfiche instead of paper, but the
>records downloaded from the MARCIVE tapes are for paper copies.
>I would like to ask how some of you may have dealt with this.  Do you edit
>the MARCIVE paper copy to conform to  microform standards?  Do you download
>new records from OCLC for the fiche? or do you create your own in-house
>records on your local system?
>Thanks in advance for your advice.
>Gary W. Mayhood
>NMSU Library
>Box30006/Dept. 3475
>Las Cruces, NM 88003-0006
>(505) 646-7490