Re: Microfilm shelving (4 messages) Birdie MacLennan 08 Feb 1999 20:27 UTC

4 messages, 132 lines:

Date:         Mon, 8 Feb 1999 12:05:43 -0500
From:         Elizabeth Jackson <echristian@WEBTV.NET>
Subject:      Re: Microfilm shelving
In-Reply-To:  Deborah Harrell <dharrell@WESTGA.EDU>'s message of Mon, 8 Feb
              1999 11:28:14 -0500

At Mercer  University Swilley Library we use cabinets that are enclosed
and pull forward. Have done this for 20 years and found it very
satisfactory. Most of our serials are kept in microfilm and fiche.

      Elizabeth Jackson <echristian@WEBTV.NET>

Date:         Mon, 8 Feb 1999 11:15:05 -0600
From:         Jeanette Skwor <SKWORJ@GBMS01.UWGB.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Microfilm shelving

> We are looking at possibly changing our method of shelving microfilm and
> wondered what other libraries are doing.

***Cofrin Library shelves all periodical and newspapers on the same
floor--paper copies of newspapers in a reading area, and periodicals in
surrounding stacks.  Microfilm cabinets are in a separate area of the same
floor, and the film is all shelved there, alphabetically, just as the paper
material is.

In other words, you would go to the correct area of the floor, depending
upon what format you are looking for and once you got there, all material
is shelved alphabetically.

The one exception (and we need exceptions, don't we, or the patrons
would get to thinking they don't need us ;) is microfiche
supplemental material.  We put that in binder-holders, and shelve
with the journal title it accompanies.

Jeanette Skwor
Cofrin Library
UW-Green Bay

Date:         Mon, 8 Feb 1999 12:48:31 -0600
From:         Dana Belcher <dbelcher@MAILCLERK.ECOK.EDU>
Subject:      Microfilm shelving -Reply

We have our newspapers on film and other periodicals on fiche, so there is
not too much dilemma in shelving.  However, if they were all in the same
medium, I think I would interfile them altogether.  This creates alot less
stress not only on the shelvers but the patrons.  Our current newspapers
are shelved in the same area as the current periodicals, but not
interfiled.  We purchased extra wide shelving for the newspapers so we
could lay them flat and do away with the "sticks".  We had hoped to get
extra wide shelving for the entire current collection, but since we were
unable to, the wide shelving is the last set of shelves.  Our patrons can
easily see where the newspapers are from any angle.

Dana Belcher, Periodicals/Acquisitions Librarian
East Central University
Linscheid Library
200 S. Stadium Drive
Ada, OK 74820

Date:         Mon, 8 Feb 1999 14:50:21 -0400
From:         Valerie Mickelberg <mickel@IS.DAL.CA>
Subject:      Re: Microfilm shelving

Hi Deborah:

        We in the Serials Unit shelve our microform collection separately
from our periodical/newspaper collection.   We shelve current periodicals
by subject then title but once they are bound they are shelved with the
books in the main stacks under their LC call numbers.  We shelve the
microform collection by LC call number as well.  This is helpful for the
titles we once received in both the paper and microform formats because
of the unique call numbers for locating current and backfile records.
Also the staff are able to help the users better if they know the process
of pulling and discarding issues once the replacements are received for
the paper copies and are able to direct them in the right direction.   The
microform collection is also maintained by the Serials Unit.  We keep
current 2 weeks of newspapers displayed in our Reading Room and place the
old ones in our office (still accessable to patrons as it is a reference
point) until we receive the replacement microfilm/microfiche.

        Hope this helps you.

Ms. Valerie Mickelberg
Asst. Head of Serials Unit
Dalhouse University Libraries (Killam)
Halifax, NS   B3H 4H8
Phone:  (902) 494-3637
        (902) 494-3649
Fax     (902) 494-2062

On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Deborah Harrell wrote:

> We are looking at possibly changing our method of shelving microfilm and
> wondered what other libraries are doing.
> Right now, we shelve periodical microfilm with its respective paper title
> (we shelve periodicals alphabetically by title rather than cataloging
> them).  But our newspapers on microfilm and paper are shelved in a
> separate collection on open shelves.
> We are looking at the possibility of putting these microfilm for
> newspapers #1 in the periodical stacks alphabetically or #2 in a cabinet.
> Because our student assistants reshelve used materials, they have a
> difficult time distinguishing between newspapers on microfilm and
> periodicals on microfilm.  Interfiling them would help here.  Shifting as
> needed would also be easier than shifting in a cabinet.  How do other
> libraries handle them?  (We have a growing collection of about 1000
> reels.)
> We are also looking at various ways to handle paper copies of newspapers
> and would like to hear from others about this.  Currently the latest
> issues are on newspaper 'sticks' in our browsing area and others are in
> separate newspaper shelving.  Do any of you shelve your paper copies in
> with periodicals?  What are some of the pitfalls/advantages?
> Thanks.
> Debbie Harrell
> Ingram Library, State University of West Georgia
> phone: 770-836-6498
> fax: 770-836-6626
> <dharrell@WESTGA.EDU>