Single Record/Multiple Formats (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 08 Feb 1999 20:35 UTC

2 messages, 53 lines:

Date:         Mon, 8 Feb 1999 11:25:53 -0600
From:         Cheryl Conway <cconway@COMP.UARK.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Single Record/Multiple Formats


At the time that our state union list was formed, a committee, which
represented libraries throughout the state, selected section 2 (7:44),
Hardcopy Bibliographic Records Used for All Formats, using method 2.  This
work was done years before I moved here to work at U of AR libraries, so I
don't know exactly why this method was preferred, but I do like the
consistency within our state union list.  Is there no similar committee or
decision-making body in your state?

  Cheryl Conway <cconway@COMP.UARK.EDU>

Date:         Mon, 8 Feb 1999 12:42:08 -0600
From:         Dana Belcher <dbelcher@MAILCLERK.ECOK.EDU>
Subject:      Single Record/Multiple Formats -Reply

We attach LDRs to paper records only with a composite holdings statement
for the hardcopy and microform in the $n field (i.e., $n [Total=v.1-
1985-.  Microfiche=v.5- 1990- 0,4,8] $v v.1-v.4 $y 1985-1989

Dana Belcher, Periodicals/Acquisitions Librarian
East Central University
Linscheid Library
200 S. Stadium Drive
Ada, OK 74820

At 10:55 AM 2/8/1999 -0500, Michelle Fiander wrote:
>        For those who are using single records for multiple formats--ie.
>print record with notes for fiche and film--I wonder if you can tell me how
>you're handling LDRs in OCLC.
>        Thank you,
>Michelle Fiander
>IUPUI University Library
>755 West Michigan Street, UL 1115E
>Indianapolis, IN 46202-5195
>Fax: 317-278-0368