_LCATS_ call for papers ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 10 Feb 1999 15:12 UTC

*Please excuse duplication on several lists*

A forthcoming issue of _LCATS_ (Library Collections,
Acquisitions, and Technical Services) will feature a
special section on trends and issues in cataloging.
Guest editors Ann Ercelawn and Steve Oberg are seeking
proposals for papers that address the following topics:
the changing role of the cataloger/copy cataloger;
changing rules, standards, and harmonization efforts;
cooperative initiatives; trends in automation and
workflow redesign; the impact of outsourcing on library
operations from the cataloging perspective; and the relationship
between MARC and other metadata schemas such as the Dublin Core.
Other topics that analyze the current state of
cataloging are also welcome.

Prospective authors should submit a proposal consisting
of an abstract and outline of their paper, preferably via email
(see below). Proposals should also include a
brief paragraph detailing prospective authors'
experience relevant to the proposed topic.

Proposals will be due March 15. Authors of accepted
proposals will be notified during the first week of
April. Specific requirements for papers will be provided
at that time, or you may wish to consult the _LCATS_
website for guidelines:

Papers will be due to the editors on July 1.

Send proposals to:

Thank you.

 Ann Ercelawn                          Steve Oberg
 Original Cataloger                    Head of Copy Cataloging
 Cataloging / Resource Services         and Electronic Resources
 Vanderbilt University Library         The University of Chicago Library
 419 21st Ave. So.                     s-oberg@uchicago.edu
 Nashville, TN 37240-0007              773-702-8738 M-T
 ercelawn@library.vanderbilt.edu       773-702-8726 W-F
 615-343-2088                          773-702-6623 FAX
 615-343-1292 FAX                      President, North American Serials
                                          Interest Group (NASIG)