The Crisis (The New Crisis) (Don Page) Marcia Tuttle 19 Feb 1999 00:19 UTC

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Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 12:38:43 -0700
From: Don Page <djpage@CSUPOMONA.EDU>
Subject: The Crisis (The New Crisis

I need help from any library subscribing to THE CRISIS (also called THE
NEW CRISIS), Crisis Publ., Baltimore, MD.  We have many missing and late
issues and our checkin boxes were not properly adjusted with frequency
changes.  Now we are claiming issues incorrectly.

Can someone verify the following for me:

1)  Current frequency is (?): Bimonthly, February/March, April/May, July,
September, October/November and December/January based on our latest issue
(July 1998, 106:3).

2)  Exact cover dates (month/month, year) and volume/number for the run of
July 1997 (104:5) to the present.

Thanks for any help!!  Reply to me personally unless other list members
indicate an interest.

Don Page
Donald J. Page                   Calif. State Polytechnic University
Library Assistant IV            Library, Periodicals Unit, 15-210
Voice: (909)869-3089             3801 W. Temple Ave.
Fax:   (909)869-6922             Pomona, CA 91768