New issue of Library Philosophy and Practice now available (Mary Bolin) Stephen Clark 23 Mar 1999 14:27 UTC

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Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 13:36:27 -0800
From: Mary Bolin <mbolin@UIDAHO.EDU>
Subject: New issue of Library Philosophy and Practice now available

Library Philosophy and Practice, vol. 1, no. 2 (Spring 1999)  is now
available at

    This issue contains articles by Ellen Gilbert on diversity in
collection development, John J. Doherty and Kathryn Kaya on teaching
critical thinking while teaching information skills, and Joanne Twining
on the use of diagrammatic reasoning and its relationship to information

    Still available at the same site is the Fall 1998 issue, which
contains articles by  Eugene E. Engeldinger on technology infrastructure
and information literacy, Paul Metz on philosophy and practice in
collection development, and Karen Summerhill incorporatng
the values of the legal profession in research instruction for law

    Library Philosophy and Practice is a peer-reviewed electronic
journal which will appear twice a year, once in the fall and once in the
spring.  Library Philosophy and Practice publishes articles that
demonstrate the connection between library practice and the philosophy
and theory which are behind it. Library Philosophy and Practice
publishes reports of successful, innovative, or experimental library
procedures, methods,
or projects in all areas of librarianship, including both public and
technical services. These reports are set in the context of applied
research, with reference to current, past, and emerging theories of
library practice. Contributions are now being accepted for vol. 2, no. 1
(Fall 1999) and vol. 2, no. 2 (Spring 2000)

Mary K.Bolin, Head, Technical Services, Associate Professor
Gail Z. Eckwright, Humanities Librarian, Associate Professor,
University of Idaho Library, Moscow, ID 83844-2350