worthwhile reading in Computer (Steve Black) Marcia Tuttle 03 Mar 1999 22:21 UTC

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Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 13:53:37 -0500
From: Steve Black <blacks@ROSNET.STROSE.EDU>
Subject: worthwhile reading in Computer

Anyone interested in the gory technical aspects of putting journals online
should find a series of articles on digital libraries in the February 1999
issue of Computer worth reading.  The complexity of the task really comes
through.  Discussion of the interplay between librarians and computer
scientists is interesting, as well.

Steve Black
Reference, Serials and Instruction Librarian
Neil Hellman Library
392 Western Ave.
The College of Saint Rose
Albany, NY  12203                                  "Cogito eggo sum"
blacks@rosnet.strose.edu                     (I think, therefore I waffle)