Re: Innovative binding module (2 messages) Stephen Clark 29 Mar 1999 21:42 UTC

2 messages:

Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 13:50:35 -0500
From: Lucy Duhon <LDuhon@UTNET.UTOLEDO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Innovative binding module (2 messages)

Yes, Stephanie.  The Innovative system contains a set of parameters
maintained within each checkin card.  Included in these parameters are
"unit of binding" and "binding delay" which you can control, based on
your binding preferences.  For example, a quarterly is automatically
identified for binding once the first issue of the next volume arrives,
IF you've set the unit of binding at "4" and the binding delay at "1."
The system does a very good job of keeping track of when issues complete
a volume (or some other unit), even in instances of combined or double
issues (such as 2:1-2, 3:1-4).  It does not, however, reliably calculate
the correct binding unit for volumes that contain continuous numbering
(such as 81:3278), only binding units for repeated cycles of numbering.

Once card parameters are set for each title, it's just a matter of
examining a review file or a particular title in order to find units to
bind (in the binding submenu).  The system prompts you to print a pull
slip when it finds a bindable unit (choice of issues is easy to override
if necessary), based on the criteria I mentioned above.

Contact me if you have any questions!

Lucy Duhon
Assistant Serials Librarian
Carlson Library/Serials Dept.
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH  43606-3399

(419) 530-4493
fax: (419) 530-2726 <>

Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999
From:  Karen Aufdemberge <>
Subject:  RE:  Innovative binding module (2 messages)


We use the Innovative binding module at the University of
Toledo, and I would definitely recommend it.

Less filing, no more mis-matching of patterns to titles, binding
information appears in the OPAC, students can assist with
gathering issues using computer-generated pull-slips

The binding tickets that we print using the Innovative module
don't contain all of the information needed by the binder.
(We use Heckman Bindery in Indiana.)

More info:
See article: Automating Serials Binding by R. Brothers in
Technical Services Quarterly (11:4, 1994, pp. 45-59).
(This may be somewhat outdated, but I don't think that
the binding module has changed that much over the last few years.)

Please contact me if would like more information or if you have
specific questions about how the module works.

Karen Aufdemberge
Assistant Serials Librarian                     Office: (419) 530-8532
University of Toledo                               Fax: (419) 530-2726
Carlson Library Serials Dept.     
Toledo, OH  43606