Re: JOURNAL of BUSINESS ETHICS (Lynne Stevens) Stephen Clark 30 Mar 1999 20:24 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 14:54:46 -0500
From: Lynne Stevens <lstevens@RMWC.EDU>
Subject: Re: JOURNAL of BUSINESS ETHICS (Joyce Nelson)

Joyce just saved me a phone call; I was about to call them when I saw her
message.  There's a discrepancy, though.  The schedule they gave her shows:
18.1    15-12-98
18.2     1- 1-99
18.3    15- 1
18.4     1- 2
19.1    15- 2
19.2    15- 3
but 18.1 was the first January 1999 issue [they call it January I (Roman
numeral one)],
     18.2 was, I suppose, January II (Roman numeral two) -- we didn't
receive it,
     18.3 was February I (Roman numeral one),
     18,4 was, I suppose, February II -- we didn't receive it,
     19.1 (we just received) is March 1999.

Did anyone receive 18.2 and 18.4?  Has anyone else called them and gotten a
different schedule?  I'm confused!

Lynne N. Stevens
Serials Coordinator
Lipscomb Library
Randolph-Macon Woman's College
804 947-8133/FAX 804 947-8134

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 12:49:45 -0500

Just thought I would share a response from Kluwer regarding the publication
schedule of the JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS (ISSN 0167-4544).  This title has
gone from 16 to 20
issues this year, and I had not seen a publication schedule, so I thought I
would inquire.  Here it is for all to make use of:

       (EUROPEAN DATE NOTATION USED! day/month/yr)
In reply to your message requesting information regards the publication
schedule of the Journal of Business Ethics please find the schedule below.

18.1    15-12-98
18.2     1- 1-99
18.3    15- 1
18.4     1- 2
19.1    15- 2
19.2    15- 3
19.3     1- 4
19.4    15- 4
20.1     1- 5
20.2    15- 5
20.3    15- 6
20.4     1- 7
21.1    15- 7
21.2     1- 8
21.3    15- 8
21.4    15- 9
22.1     1-10
22.2    15-10
22.3     1-11
22.4    15-11

yours sincerely,
Anny Burer

Anny Burer - Humanities & Social Sciences Division
Kluwer Academic Publishers
P.O. Box 17/Spuiboulevard 50
3300 AA  Dordrecht, The Netherlands
tel: (0)78 6392107 fax: (0)78 6392254

Hope it is useful to you all!

Joyce Nelson
Periodicals/Government Documents
Eggleston Library
Hampden-Sydney College
Hampden Sydney, VA  23943-0007