Re: Periodical Issues as Monographs (3 messages) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 12 Mar 1999 17:23 UTC

3 messages:


Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 10:11:49 -0500
From: Paula Lynch Manzella <Paula.Lynch@MAIL.TJU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Periodical Issues as Monographs (John Radencich)


We used to analyze single journal issues with monographic titles, for
example the "Clinics of North America" series of titles or any of the "Acta
..." supplements.  This was primarily due to the fact that we had an online
catalog and print indexes.  The analytic records were created to supplement
the print.  Process:  OCLC would be searched for a record for import and if
one was not found, the cataloger created a local MARC record with full
subject analysis to represent the monographic title.  The record would be
connected to the item using a "bound with" feature.  HOWEVER, the actual
issue was shelved or bound with the main title of the journal.

Once the index services (MEDLINE, CINAHL, ISI, etc.) began to make online
searching of  the indexes more user friendly and inexpensive, we slowly
stopped analyzing issues.  Most of the issues are well represented in the
indexes both at the monograph title level and at the article level.
Currently we only have two titles we analyze - WHO Technical Reports and
Annals of the NYAS.

BTW - Our bound volumes circulate for 24 hrs.  We do not allow unbound
issues to circ.

Good luck with your decision.
Paula Lynch Manzella                          email:
Collection Management Librarian
Thomas Jefferson University                    (215) 503-8406  phone
Scott Memorial Library                         (215) 955-7642  fax
1020 Walnut St., Room 200
Philadelphia, PA  19107


Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 09:46:20 -0600
Subject: Re: Periodical Issues as Monographs (John Radencich)
>    Our library is investigating the possibility of analyzing periodicals
> with issues that also have distinctive titles.  The issues would be kept
> separately on our general collection shelves so they can circulate,
> rather than be kept bound together in the periodicals area.  Whether
> they have the same call number or numbered separately is not an issue at
> the moment since the separate issues can be analyzed and circulated
> either way.

***We have several titles that are catalogued separately--Nursing Clinics
of North America comes to mind, as does Critical Care Nursing Clinics of
NA; both have been catalogued and in stax longer than anyone can remember.

***The most current case that comes to mind is Monographs of the Society
for Research in Child Development, and what happened was that the
cataloguer noticed that we were ordering issues of this *as monographs*,
and she broached the subject to the Collection Development Librarian and
our Assistant Director.  Now we are cataloging them separately, and working
on a retrospective catalog of the title also.

***In answer, then, to who in your library makes the decision, it's sort of
a group thing.  Whoever happens to notice a reason to catalogue something
separately would broach whoever else it impacts, and the decision is made

Jeanette Skwor
Cofrin Library
UW-Green Bay


Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 08:16:19 -0800
From: Frances Tracht <ftracht@CI.BEVERLY-HILLS.CA.US>
Subject: Re: Periodical Issues as Monographs (John Radencich)

In Beverly Hills we catalog a few special issues individually such as =
Buyers Guides, Top 500 lists, etc.,however we usually use a serial record. =
Our Fine Arts Dept. adds an issue here and there to their collection which =
we have to catalog as a monograph because it's easier than setting up a =
serial record for one issue of a title.