International Phone Books (Dani Lichtenberg) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 15 Mar 1999 14:53 UTC

Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 09:46:43 -0500
From: Dani Lichtenberg <p005386b@PB.SEFLIN.ORG>
Subject: International Phone Books

I am working on an order to update our collection of international phone
books.  Given our location in South Florida, I want to include books from
South and Central America and island nations of the Caribbean, Virgin
Islands, etc.  Am also planning on including books from major European
capitols and economic centers (for patrons interested in business or
leisure travel).

Is anyone aware of any literature regarding collections of this type?
Any standards to follow, or surveys of libraries with international phone
book collections?  I know that the Internet now provides access to
international phone books, so our collection does not have to be
exhaustive.  Mostly, this collection would be a convenience for staff and
patrons and would hopefully cover the most "popular" locations.

You can contact me privately, if you wish.

Dani Lichtenberg
Serials Supervisor
Palm Beach County Library System