Re: Serials Shelving Schemes (Kathleen Thorne) Marcia Tuttle 29 Apr 1999 23:04 UTC

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Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 14:29:29 -0500
From: kathleen <>
Subject: Re: Serials Shelving Schemes (3 messages)

Ironically, it's our SCIENCE faculty who are the most in favor of call
number order for journals -- it makes it easier & faster to find
materials, & also easier to browse all other titles with similar call
numbers, plus reminding them of new titles or recently acquired
literature!  Guess it all depends on one's faculty and what their
experiences and expectations are.

Kathleen Thorne

>   I can see the advantages to each. Oddly enough, I think the advantage of
> call numbers is mostly a practical one, making it easier to keep changing
> and related titles together. But it is slightly more work for the
> catalogers, and not all that useful to people in the sciences, I think. On
> the other hand, I suspect it IS helpful in the humanities, especially if
> the bound issues are integrated in the book collection, where patrons
> appear to do more browsing. But I suppose the issue of call numbers and
> the issue of integrated book/journal collections are separate ones.

> --Anne Miller
>   Serials Cataloger
>   Boston University
Kathleen Thorne
Serials Cataloger                                       Creator of the world, keep me sane
San Jose State University                               Keep my sense and my wisdom
San Jose, CA 95192-0028                                 until you come for me.
ph: (408) 924-2826   fax: (408) 924-2701