Re: Using Word 97 Access to create a database comparing journal title availability (Gregory Szczyrbak) Stephen Clark 12 Apr 1999 12:25 UTC

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Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 16:18:12 -0400
From: Gregory Szczyrbak <gszczyrb@MARAUDER.MILLERSV.EDU>
Subject: Re: Using Word 97 Access to create a database comparing journal              title              availability (Laurie Nalepa)

> I am the periodicals librarian for a university library.  We are trying
> to get a clear picture of what journal titles we have available to us in
> all their various formats, and through their numerous access points
> (i.e., our print subscriptions, OhioLINK databases, other databases, and
> additional electronic access).  We also want to compare the range of
> years, whether or not they are full text or have a citation or abstract.
> Right now I'm learning Office 97 Access in the hope that I can create a
> database that will compare all the above variables.  Does anyone out
> there have any other suggestions?!
> I would be happy to summarize findings for everyone.
> Laurie Nalepa
> Periodicals Librarian
> John Carroll University

Yes.  We have done this at Millersville University, Ganser Library.  It
was worth it, however, it will take up a lot of your time.  If your
automated system has any kind of reports that you can use, stick with that
if possible.

        Consider, that for every title change, addition, deletion or
discontinuation, you will need to update your catalog and your homegrown
database - double the work.  Although, you can set up your Access database
to help prevent mistakes like typos etc.., this again will take more time.

PLAN, PLAN, PLAN.  We created ours before I really understood databases.
If I could do it all over again I would do a lot of things differently.
Make sure you understand how all the components of your database relates
to each other.  Then using this information create your tables and
relationships.  Did I say PLAN?  Even things like the names you give to
your tables, reports, queries etc.. are important.  There are various
naming conventions.  Pick one and stick with it.

Include as much information as you need.  Space shouldn't be a real
problem.  Price information is great to have, however consider that it
will need to be updated annually at the least.

I still use ours constantly to run reports for our collection development
librarian, liaison librarians, and library director.  Its been a great
tool.  But our database is full of errors.  I've spent a lot of time
fixing them, but there are still many.

        We've moved to a new automated system that allows for customized
reports, so as soon as I figure out how to run those, I'll be dumping our
homegrown serials database.  But it has been very helpful, so go for it if
you decide it is ultimately worth it.

Good luck.  You may e-mail me privately if you have further more specific

Gregory Szczyrbak                       (717) 872-3645 DESK
Millersville University                 (717) 872 3854 FAX
Ganser Library - Periodicals  
Millersville, PA 17551