New NASIG Web site and discussion list addresses! (Judy Johnson) Stephen Clark 15 Apr 1999 12:34 UTC

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Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 15:37:19 -0500
Subject: New NASIG Web site and discussion list addresses!

(Cross-posted; please excuse duplication)

The North American Serials Interest Group has new Web site and
discussion list addresses!

Please come visit us at our new website address:

See our web site ( for more information about
NASIG, and the latest about our 14th annual conference in Pittsburgh,
June 10-13.

NASIG-L, the discussion list *FOR NASIG MEMBERS ONLY*, also has a new

If you are a NASIG member who has not been receiving NASIG-L messages,
and you wish to
subscribe to NASIG-L, send an email to NASIG-REQUEST@NASIG.ORG with
the words SUBSCRIBE NASIG-L as the message text.

Judy Johnston
NASIG Publicist