SSP Annual Meeting info (Michael Thompson) Stephen Clark 15 Apr 1999 17:15 UTC

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Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 10:44:41 -0600
From: Michael Thompson <thompson@RESOURCENTER.COM>
Subject: SSP Annual Meeting info

Here is the preliminary program for the Annual Meeting of the Society
for Scholarly Publishing, to be held June 9-11, 1999 in Boston. Please
excuse any duplication, as I have posted this information to several lists
which may find it of interest.

E-mail for more information <> or check out our
web site for up to the minute details <>

Is the Real Revolution Just Beginning?

Wednesday, June 9, 1999
Pre-Meeting Seminars
8:00AM - 12:00 PM       Developing Critical Skillsets for Today�s
Publishing Environment
8:00AM - 12:00 PM       Web Site Information Architecture: Planning
  and Designing Information
1:00PM - 5:00 PM        Language of the Internet: The Fundamentals of
Evolving Knowledge Architectures
1:00PM - 5:00 PM        On-line Peer Review: What Does the Future

5:30�7:30       Opening reception
7:30    Informal group dinners

Thursday, June 10, 1999

8:30�8:45       Welcome

8:45�10:30Plenary Session 1 � The Scholarly E journal: Has the
    Potential Been Realized?
    Moderator: James J. O'Donnell, Professor of Classical
    Studies and Vice Provost for Information Systems and
    Computing at the University of Pennsylvania
    Speakers: Vicky Reich, Assistant Director, HighWire
    Press; Ghassan Rassam, Director of Publications, the
    Optical Society of America; Ann Okerson, Associate
    University Librarian,Yale University

The early 90s were full of prophecies of a dramatically transformative
future for the scholarly and scientific journal in the age of the Internet.
Now the number of journals available online has skyrocketed. Has the
potential been achieved?  What remains to be done?  Presentations will
be structured to stimulate broad discussion in an open forum.

  � break �

11:00�12:30     Plenary Session 1 (cont.)

12:30�2:00      Luncheon and Business meeting

2:00�3:30Concurrent session 1a � In-House Versus Vendor for
    Composition and Other Production Issues
        Moderator: Ed Barnas, Journals Manager, Cambridge
University Press
    Speakers: Speakers: John Mancia, Director, Elsevier
    Science; Stephen Cohen, IEEE; Tom Cannon,
    Associate Managing Editor for Current Protocols at

As the tools for publishing become more robust, performing
production processes that had traditionally been the domain of vendors
using in-house staff has become an attractive option. This session will
show when this makes sense and when it doesn�t.

2:00�3:30       Concurrent session 1b � Document Delivery:
Where's It Going?
        Moderator: Paul Dzus, Journals Subsidiary Rights
Manager, MIT Press
    Speakers: Mary Case Jackson, Senior Program Officer
    for Access Services, Association of Research Libraries;
    Joseph Tragert, Manager of Product Development,
    EBSCO Publishing,

With the rapidly changing marketplace and delivery mechanisms for
scholarly information, what does the future of document delivery look
like? We will consider that question from the perspective of several
different players in the communication chain.

2:00�3:30       Concurrent session 1c � New Journals in the New Age
        Moderator: Janet Fisher, Associate Director for Journals
Publishing, MIT Press
    Speakers: Matthew Bedell, Marketing Manager and
    Journals/Assistant Director; Donald G. Babbitt,
    Publisher, American Mathematical Society; Jim
    Krosschell, Senior Vice President and Publisher,
    Blackwell Science, Inc.

Although many journals face decreasing subscriber bases as libraries
drop titles due to budget constraints, publishers are still being asked to
start new journals. This session will explore various approaches to
launching new serials in this challenging time.

   � break �

4:00�5:30       Concurrent session 2a  � Getting Usable Electronic
Files from Authors
        Moderator: Antoinette Schleyer, American
Mathematical Society
    Speakers: Janet Simoneau, American Mathematical
    Society; Joan Comstock, Techbook;  Alec Kornacki,
    Product Manager, Digital PrePress, Cadmus Journal
    Services; Shawn Brown, Academic Press

It is always a goal to �capture the keystrokes� of authors to help
improve the composition process, but in many disciplines where math
or special characters abound, or for journals working with highly
structured SGML, using author-generated electronic files can be
difficult. Presenters at this session will show methods that work in
obtaining usable text and graphics from authors.

4:00�5:30Concurrent session 2b � Case Studies from a Library
        Moderator: Katina Strauch, College of Charleston
    Speakers: Janet Fisher, Associate Director for Journals Publishing,
    MIT Press; Sandy Marasco, Manager of Library,
    Services, Biogen, Inc.

  Librarians are facing many new challenges, from finding ways to make
electronic material easily available to patrons to handling the licensing
issues associated with obtaining it to begin with.  This session will
present several case studies from the library community on these issues.

4:00�5:30Concurrent session 2c � Content Management and
    Identification for Electronic Publications
        Moderator: Ted Freeman, Director of Electronic
Publishing, Allen Press, Inc.
    Speakers: Norman Paskin, Director, The International
    DOI Foundation; Chip Nilges, Manager, Digital
    Library Services, OCLC Online Computer Library
    Center, Inc.

Now is the time for publishers of copyrighted material on the
Internet to become aware of emerging global standards for managing
and identifying digital information. We're talking essentially about
"metadata"  ("data about data"), such as the DOI (Digital Object
Identifier) system and related Web standards efforts to insure that links
to digital information are persistent over time (surviving moves from
one online system to another), identify information objects and data
types (e.g., abstract, article, book, bibliographic reference, figure, sound
file), and express permissions and various fulfillment services, including
e commerce. This session will strive to be non technical and to include
some real world implementations.

6:00�7:30       Reception followed by dinner in informal groups

Friday, June 11, 1999

8:30�10:30      Plenary Session 2 � A View On Tomorrow
        Moderator: Barbara Meyers, President, Meyers
Consulting Services
        Speakers: David Shulenburger, University of Kansas;
Gerry McKiernan, Science and Technology Librarian and
Bibliographer, Iowa State University Library

What will happen to knowledge development and distribution as we
move forward in a world increasingly based on computer technology?
Many of the revolutionary new models proposed for the dissemination
of scholarly material have their roots in decreasing costs to producers,
and/or users while increasing access.  This sesson will seek to foster a
constructive dialogue among players in the scholarly communication
process on these complex issues.  The panel will present different
vantage points from which they will address this question and share
their proposals for the future.

   � break �

11:00�12:30     Concurrent sessions 3a � SGML/XML: Delivering
the Goods
        Moderator: Pete Goldie, Lightbinders Inc.
    Speakers: Liz Pope, Consultant; Ralph Youngen, Manager, Research
    & Development for Information
    Technology/Publications, American Chemical Society
SGML is playing an increasing role in all aspects of publishing and
XML could soon become the dominant format for Web dissemination.
 This session will present a variety of practical examples of the way
SGML and XML are being used to improve the delivery side of
publishing: SGML/XML used directly for print composition and in
electronic media (CD ROM/Online).

11:00�12:30     Concurrent sessions 3b � Print-on-Demand: Just in
    Moderator: Natalie Hilzen, Editor in Chief, Books,
    AFB Press, American Foundation for the Blind.
    Speakers: Robert Lindberg, Vice President, Sales,
    Integrated Book Technology; Deborah Tegarden,
    Paperbacks and Reprints Editor, Princeton University
    Press; Lynn Terhune, Associate Manager of Estimating,
    John Wiley & Sons.

Print on demand services promise the possibility of keeping scholarly
titles in print and controlling costs and inventory effectively. Three
knowledgeable professionals  two publishers and a printer  share their
experiences and perspectives on print on demand.

12:30�2:00      Lunch on your own

2:00�3:30       Concurrent sessions 4a � Digital Production �
Preparing Things for the Web
    Moderator: Craig Van Dyck, VP, Production and
    Manufacturing, John Wiley & Sons
    Speakers: Evan Owens, University of Chicago Press;
    Greg Fagan, Managing Editor, Journals, Wiley; Jan
    Fleming, Vice President, Planning and Development,
    Cadmus Journal Services

Taking material prepared in a digital production stream for print and
seamlessly and efficiently converting it to a form that allows effective
Web delivery takes careful planning and, in many cases, modifications
to the production stream used for the print product. This session will
provide guidance from those who have made it work.

2:00�3:30Concurrent sessions 4b � The Age of the eBook:
    Opportunities for Expansion in the Online
        Moderator: Miriam Gilbert, Senior Director of
Acquisitions, netLibrary
    Speakers:  Kim Cavellero, VP of Sales & Marketing,
    M.E. Sharpe; Rolf Janke, VP and Publisher,
    ABC CLIO; Lynn Connaway, VP of Research and
    Information Sciences, netLibrary

Recognizing opportunities for expansion in the online market, two
publishers discuss their decision making processes for providing books
online, and a leading librarian discusses the benefits of eBooks to
distance education.

Meeting ends

******Michael P. Thompson***Director of Communications*******
****303-422-3914**FAX 303-422-8894**