Journal of Combinational Theory (3 messages) Marcia Tuttle 27 Apr 1999 18:01 UTC


>From tbutler@ACAD.COM Tue Apr 27 13:58:25 1999
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 10:38:52 -0700
From: tbutler@ACAD.COM
Subject: Re: Journal of Combinational Theory A, B (Jeanette Skwor)

Journal of Combinitorial Theory, Series A is available for $1,100.00 to
customers in the US and Canada, and $1,260.00 to customers in the rest of the
world for 1999 subscriptions, and include 8 issues.  Journal of Combinitorial
Theory, Series B is available for $744.00 to US and Canadian customers, and
$862.00 for the rest of the world for 1999 subscriptions, and includes 6 issues.
Please forward queries to your subscription vendor, or directly to Academic
Press at

Thank you for your interest.

Tricia Butler
Director of Circulation
Academic Press

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 11:49:28 -0500
From: Jeanette Skwor <>
Subject: Journal of Combinational Theory A, B

One of our professors has asked us to consider ordering this title for our
library.  Our vendor doesn't list it.  Does anyone know from whence it is
available or have any price information?

If you post to the list, it'll save the next person from looking it up :)


Jeanette Skwor
Cofrin Library
UW-Green Bay


>From keen@BRANDEIS.EDU Tue Apr 27 13:58:25 1999
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 13:55:03 -0400
From: Sherry Keen <keen@BRANDEIS.EDU>
Subject: Re: Journal of Combinational Theory A, B (Jeanette Skwor)

I believe the title your thinking about is:  JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL
THEORY A and B published by Academic Press.

Sherry Keen
Head, Acquisitions/Serials
Brandeis University Library
MS 045
Waltham, MA  02254
phone: 781-736-4642
fax: 781-736-4724


>From lhulber@SIUE.EDU Tue Apr 27 13:58:25 1999
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 12:53:50 -0500
From: Linda Hulbert <lhulber@SIUE.EDU>
Subject: Re: Journal of Combinational Theory A, B (Jeanette Skwor)

I think you are looking for Journal of combinatorial theory.  Series A and B

Academic Press and I'm sure the major vendors can supply.


Linda Hulbert,
  Technical and Access Services Librarian
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Lovejoy Library
Box 1063
Edwardsville, Illinois 62026-1063

618 650-2779
fax 618 650-3732

And what is as important as knowledge? Asked the mind.
Caring, answered the heart.           - F. Weeden