Re: Serials Shelving Schemes (Terence Rose) Marcia Tuttle 28 Apr 1999 12:42 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 08:05:47 -0400
From: Terence Rose <trose@GW.LIBOFMICH.LIB.MI.US>
Subject: Re: Serials Shelving Schemes (Peter Washkevich)

I would ask myself several questions before undertaking such a project.

(1) Does you library have enough space for the periodicals in the LC
area.  Periodical and serials collection grow, even with weeding and
microfliming, etc.  Libraries I have worked at have classified their LC
collections had problems, because their journal collections grew faster
than monograph collection and always found themselves constantly
shifting and shelving their collection.

(2)Do your library patrons have a good understanding of your libraries
layout and of the LC classification system?  As you know some patrons
have problems trying to find materials they are looking for even with an
OPAC, handouts on how to use the library, and bibliograhic

(3) How would your patrons react to such a change?  How would your
staff react to such a undertaking?  I would survey both to see their
reaction.  Also, both can give you some ideas of how to much
improvements or changes needed for such a project.

Terence Lionel Rose
Serials Librarian
Library of Michigan
717 W. Allegan St.
P.O. Box 30007
Lansing, MI 48909
(517) 373-5818

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 15:26:54 -0400
From: "Washkevich, Peter" <washkevich@MARSHALL.EDU>
Subject: Serials Shelving Schemes

Our library is currently considering undertaking a major project.  We
considering putting all of our journals in LC call number order.  Our
journals are currently shelved in alphabetical order, with every
assigned the call number PER.

My question:  do you feel that there is a substantial advantage to
periodicals in LC call number order vs. alphabetically?

Would it be worth the substantial time and effort involved to rearrange
collection in this way?


Peter Washkevich / Marshall University