CSISAC Spring Forum -- Is the Future Perfect? (Virginia Roy) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 26 May 1999 13:54 UTC

Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 09:28:55 -0400
From: Virginia Roy <virginia@FAXON.CA>
Subject: CSISAC Spring Forum - Is the Future Perfect?...
Comments: To: l csisac <csisac@faxon.ca>,
 toronto sla <sla-toronto@world.mmltd.com>, l cacul <cacul-l@unb.ca>,
 caslis-toronto@faxon.ca, serialslist <serialst@uvmvm.uvm.edu>
Comments: cc: esleep@spartan.ac.brocku.ca, efriesen@acs.ryerson.ca,
 fairley@tap.net, Stuart Silcox <stuart@faxon.ca>, georges@sirsi.com

This message has been cross posted, please help us promote this session
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The Canadian Serials Industry Systems Advisory Committee (CSISAC) is
pleased to announce the programme for their upcoming 6th annual Spring Forum.

Is the Future Perfect?  Electronic Publishing in the New Millennium

What are the major journal publishers's plans for the future of electronic
publishing?  With new pricing models and projects constantly being
announced, what will the solution be or is it already here? Find out
from key players in the electronic publishing arena.


CSISAC has joined forces with CLA's CASLIS division in order to bring the
annual Spring Forum to CLA Conference attendees as well as the local
library community.

CSISAC's Spring Forum has a reputation for delivering cutting edge
speakers and topics. So don't delay. Send your registration today.

When:  Wednesday June 16, 1999 (pre-CLA)
       9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Where: Ryerson Polytechnic University
       Lecture Theatre L72
       350 Victoria Street, Toronto
       (2 blocks north of Dundas, one block east of Yonge Street - close to the
       Dundas subway station)

Who:   Moderated by :  Warren Holder, Electronic Information Resources
       Coordinator, University of Toronto Library

       Adam Chesler - Kluwer Academic Publishers

       Tina Feick   - Blackwell Science Publishers

       Aldyth Homes - National Research Council Press

Cost:  FREE for CSISAC members.  You can become a member at the door.

       $10.00 at the door for non-members.  We will give receipts.

To register email csisac@tap.net  or fax your name address and phone
number to CSISAC 905-842-6409.

*  Virginia Roy                                                         *
*  National Marketing Manager                      Tel: (416) 440-8900  *
*  Faxon Canada Ltd.                               Fax: (416) 440-0478  *
*  79 Brookdale Avenue                          E-mail: royv@faxon.ca   *
*  Toronto, ON M5N 1P2                             Web: www.faxon.ca    *
*  Canada                                                               *
*                            A DAWSON COMPANY                           *