Serials Department Staffing Question (Betty Rozum) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 28 May 1999 15:14 UTC

Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 09:04:46 -0600
From: Betty Rozum <BetRoz@NGW.LIB.USU.EDU>
Subject: Serials Department Staffing Question


I've been trying to find some data on the number of serials staff
members in libraries.  My department consists of myself, three full time
paraprofessionals, and one .75 time paraprofessional.  We have half of a
half time cataloger in the cataloging department who is supposed to take
care of our cataloging, but is overwhelmed with the volume we send her.
We have two libraries and we currently receive about 7000 titles a year.
My department is responsible for all serials acquisitions activities
(ordering, paying invoices, etc.), checking in, claiming, bindery,
microform services, and the supervision of two public service desks for
all hours the library is open to the public.

I would be grateful if people could describe their collection size and
staffing situation.  I'm hoping to gather evidence that will help
influence my administration  to consider hiring a full time serials
cataloger who would split their time between the cataloging department
and the serials department.

Also, if anyone know of a recent report that addresses these issues,
please let me know.  I've done some digging and have not found one yet.

Thanks very much for the help!


Betty Rozum
Head, Serials Dept.
University Libraries
3105 Old Main Hill
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322-3105

Phone:  (435) 797-3961
FAX:  (435) 797-1546