Minutes of the ALCTS SS Committee to Study Serials Cataloging (CSSC) Sally C. Tseng 29 May 1999 17:21 UTC

Dear Colleagues:

Many thanks to the outstanding effort of Karen Muller, ALCTS Executive
Director, and her staff, I am pleased to let you know that the CSSC
minutes beginning with 1995 are posted on ALCTS Web Site:

The above site includes the most recent minutes of the CSSC 1999
ALA-Midwinter meeting in Philadelphia.

Please let me know in private if you want me to forward the Minutes of
the 1999 ALA-Midwinter to you via email.  Thank you.


Sally Tseng, CSSC Chair
Head, Serials Cataloging                 Telephone:  949-824-6832
Science Library #331                     Fax:        949-824-2059
University of California, Irvine         FAX (H):    949-857-1988
P.O. Box 19557                           email:      sctseng@uci.edu
Irvine, CA 92623