LCATS call for reporters Carol Diedrichs 01 Jun 1999 13:03 UTC

Please reply to Carol Diedrichs <diedrichs.1@OSU.EDU>, not to SERIALST.
Thanks. -ed.

_LCATS_ [Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services]
 has always made an effort to cover many of the programs and discussion
groups at the ALA conferences related to our scope.  A number of meetings
for which I would like to provide a report are still available and I am
soliciting your help and interest in covering any of these programs and
discussion groups.

Reports are published much like the Review Section in _LCATS_.  The reports
are published in a single combined article with each report having a
separate byline.  Each author receives reprints and proofs of their section
for review.  Reports are generally 2-6 double-spaced pages depending on the
content of the meeting covered.  In some cases, lengthy programs might
warrant longer reports.  By way of example, volume 23, no. 1 includes the
reports from the 1998 Annual conference. Your job is to attend the assigned
meeting, take good notes and write the report.  The report should include
the names of the speakers, topics covered, major points of emphasis and
conclusions reached.

If you are interested in covering any of the programs and discussion groups
which follow, please respond via e-mail ( as soon as
possible.  I will be out of the office June 8-13 so do not be alarmed if
you do not receive a response until the week of June 14.  Your finished
report would be due to me on 7-15-99.  Two printed copies are needed plus a
copy on disk in ASCII format or preferably WordPerfect 6.1.  I can also
accept a copy as an attachment in Word or WordPerfect via e-mail.

Thanks in advance for your help.


        1.  Advancing Acquisitions: Services, Standards and Skills (The
Business of Acquisitions) (ALCTS), Thurs., June 24, 8-5:30; Fri., June 25,
8-12:00;  Conv Center 260-262

        2.  Understanding the Licensing Landscape (ACRL), Friday, June 25,

        3.  Bringing Monographs into the Digital Library (ALCTS), Friday,
June 25, 8-5, Conv Center 225-227

        4.  Making Sense of Digital Identifiers for Internet and Other
Online Applications (LITA), Friday, June 25, 8-5:30, Hilton, Grand BR A

        5.  Reviewing Electronic Reference Sources (RUSA), Friday, June
25, 8:30-4:30 , Conv Center R01


        1.  Charge It! Going Plastic in Acquisitions, Sat., June 26, 9-11,
Conv Center 357

        2.  Acquiring Minds Want to Know: The Acquisitions Process and
Collection Development of Videos and CD-ROMs, Sat., June 26, 9:30-12:30,
Conv Center 356

        3.  Oh Say, Can We See? See Also? Subject Referencing
Possibilities in OPAC's and Reference Databases. Sat., June 26, 9-11, Conv
Center 238-239

        4.  The Serials Pig in the Aggregator's Poke: Policy Issues
Related to the Growing Reliance on Electronic Packages in our Library's
Collection, Sat., June 26, 9-11, Fairmont, Emerald BR

        5.  Electronic Publishing Implications for Scholars, Publishers
and Libraries, Sat., June 26, 9:30-11, Hilton, Grand Salon 3

        6.  Selection for Preservation in the Digital Age, Sat., June 26,
2-4, Conv Center 243- 244

        7.  Marketing to Libraries for the Millennium, Sunday, June 27,
8-5:30, Conv Center R02-5

        8.  Publish! Information, Networking and Motivation for Cataloging
Research, Sunday, June 27, 9:30-12:30, Hotel Intercontinental, Les
Continents Room

        9.  Resource Sharing in the Digital Age: The Issue of Union
Listing Electronic Serials, Sunday, June 27, 9:30-12:30, Marriott,
LaGalerie 3

        10.  Security and the Digital Library: A Look at Authentication
and Authorization Issues, Sunday, June 27, 2-4, Conv Center 228-230 also
listed as Fairmont Grand BR

        11.  Who "Owns" Authority Control?, Sunday, June 27, 2-5:30;
Westin Canal Place, Ballroom

        12.  Formats for Electronic Publishing: Decisions and Trends,
Monday, June 28, 8:30-11, Sheraton, Aurora Room

        13.  To Merge or Not to Merge: What are the Questions?
Integrating Documents Units into Reference or Technical Services, Monday,
June 28, 9:30-12:00, Fairmont, Emerald BR

        14.  Can't We Ever Cancel Anything?  Collection Development and
Resource Tradeoffs in an Electronic Environment, Monday, June 28,

        15.  Macro Magic: Designing Effective Macros for Technical
Services Workstations, Monday, June 28, 9:30-12, Conv Center 357

        16.  User Statistics for Collection Evaluation of Electronic
Resources, Monday, June 28, 9:30-11, Conv Center 228-229

        17.  Collections, Access and Preservation in Our Digital Future,
Monday, June 28, 10:00- 12:00, Hilton, Napolean BR

        18.  Cooperative Cataloging Goes Public, Monday, June 28, 2-4

Discussion Groups

        1.  ALCTS Technical Services Directors of Large Research
Libraries, Friday, June 25, 9:30-12:30, Conv Center 238-239

        2.  ALCTS Technical Services in Public Libraries Discussion Group
-- Sat., June 26, 8:30-11:00, Conv Center 230; Topic: Making Technical
Services Work: Cost Analysis, Performance Standards, Outsourcing and

        3.  ALCTS Gifts & Exchange Discussion Group -- Sunday, June 27,
8:00-12:30, Conv Center 347

        4.  LITA/ALCTS Technical Services Workstations Interest Group,
Saturday, June 26, 11:30-12:30, Conv Center 348

        5.  ALCTS Heads of Technical Services of Medium-Sized Academic
Libraries Discussion Group -- Sat., June 26, 9:30 -12:30, Chateau Sonesta,
Lafitte A;  Topic:  Aggravating or Aggregating: Providing Access to
Contents of Aggregator Databases

        6.  ALCTS SS Journal Costs in Libraries Discussion Group and ALCTS
SS Research Libraries Discussion Group -- Saturday, June 26, 2-4, Westin
Canal Place, Ballroom I

        7.  ALCTS CCS Catalog Management Discussion Group, Sat., June 26,
2-4, Fairmont, Mayor Room

        8.  ALCTS CMDS Collection Development Librarians of Academic
Libraries Discussion Group -- Saturday, June 26, 2-4, Doubletree, Nottoway

        9.  ALCTS AS Acq Administrators and Acquisitions
Librarians/Vendors of Library Materials -- Sunday, June 27, 8:00-12:30 --
(This reporter will need to cover both sessions.)  ALVLM is listed as Conv
Center 271; Acq Adm is listed as Marriott Balcony K

        10.  ALCTS Out of Print Discussion Group -- Sunday, June 27, 2-4,
Embassy Suites, Lafitte 1

        11.  ALCTS Role of the Professional in Technical Services --
Sunday, June 27, 2-4; Conv Center 272; Topic: What is the Role of the
Technical Services Librarian in the Development and Implementation of New
Library Services?

        12.  ALCTS CCS Copy Cataloging Discussion Group -- Sunday, June
27, 2-4, Westin Canal Place, Exec Room; Topic: Training of Copy Catalogers

        13.  ALCTS Creative Ideas in Technical Services -- Sun., June 27,
4:30 - 5:30, Conv Center 272

        14.  ALCTS Pre-order and Pre-catalog Search Discussion Group --
Monday, June 28, 2:00-4:00, Conv Center 333

        15.  ALCTS AS Automated Acquisitions/In Process Control -- Monday,
June 28, 9:30- 11:00, Marriott, Mardi Gras B

        16.  ALCTS Scholarly Communication Discussion Group -- Monday,
June 28, 9:30- 11:00, Fairmont, Gold

Carol Pitts Diedrichs
Assistant Director for Technical Services and
      Liaison to the Regional Campus Libraries
Editor, Library Collections, Acquisitions
        and Technical Services
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Avenue Mall
Columbus, OH, 43210-1286
tel: 614-292-4738
fax: 614-292-7859