NASIG 2000 : Call for papers Margaret Mering 03 Jun 1999 14:50 UTC


Making Waves: New Serials Landscapes in a Sea of Change

The North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG), an organization that
serves the interests of U.S., Canadian and Mexican members of the serials
community, will hold its 15th Annual Conference June 22-25, 2000, on the
campus of the University of California, San Diego (UCSD).  UCSD is one of
the most highly regarded public universities in the U.S. and is especially
known for its science programs. The campus is situated on a park-like
1200-acre site high on the bluffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean at La
Jolla.  Long famed as a vacation and retirement community, the city boasts
truly outstanding beaches and coves, restaurants, art galleries, golf
courses, and other attractions.

NASIG's annual conference provides a forum for librarians, publishers,
vendors, educators, binders, systems developers, and other serials
specialists to exchange views, present new ideas, proactively seek
solutions to common problems, and discuss current issues in the field.
Proceedings are published in both print and electronic formats, with the
electronic version made available to NASIG members on NASIGWeb

NASIG's Program Planning Committee invites proposals for preconference
programs, plenary papers, and workshops that relate to the conference
theme of Making Waves: New Serials Landscapes in a Sea of Change.

We seek proposals for plenary papers and preconference programs that deal
with the overarching issues (i.e., the big picture) in the serials
industry.  What are the forces effecting change?  What role will current
players have in the production and dissemination of future serial
publications?  Will there be new players and who might they be? What will
a serial *be* in five years?  Will the changing serials landscape alter
the basic values and tenets of the library and information profession?

We are interested in plenary presentations that will examine the
reflective, visionary and practical aspects of the theme, and that analyze
emerging trends.  Some examples include, but are not limited to:

 Consolidation of the publishing industry
 Mergers and acquisitions
 Global commerce of information
 Cataloging, organizing and accessing evolving forms of information
 Strategic alliances and partnerships
 Delivering digital content
 Preserving and archiving digital formats for future generations: whose
        mission is it?
 Standards for serials
 Proactive methods to make waves in the scholarly communication process:
        Is SPARC the answer?
 Blurring of the "borders" between creators/producers/providers of
 Authentication vs. anonymity: what is the impact of providing electronic
        access on the basic values of librarianship?

The Committee also invites workshop and preconference proposals that will
provide practical information and spark interest in unique and innovative
methods to help serialists make informed decisions and consider new
options in their workplaces. Typically, workshop leaders share their
experience in a collegial setting and facilitate discussion with those in
attendance, often explaining how they manage specific processes in their
own organizations.

Some examples include, but are not limited to:

 Impact of system conversion on serialists
 Trends for evaluating e-journals and other electronic products
 New full text delivery options, such as pay per view
 Innovative resource sharing
 Managing staff and other resources in times of change
 Reshaping roles in the workplace
 New developments in serials cataloging: metadata, CORC, AACR2 revision
 Combining multiple formats in one bibliographic record, implications for
        the future
 Licensing arrangements
 Research methods
 Evaluating costs associated with the acquisition of free publications
 What makes a consortium successful?
 Copyright controversies and implications

NASIG invites members of the information community to submit proposals and
suggest topics/speakers. The Program Planning Committee reserves the right
to combine, blend, or refocus proposals to maximize program breadth and
relevance to our membership.  As a result, not all presenters from
proposals submitted by teams may be invited to participate.  Since
proposals are reviewed competitively, please include complete information
for maximum consideration:

name, address, telephone/fax numbers, and e-address of all presenters
        named in the proposal
program title
a 200-300 word abstract clearly explaining the proposal and, if
        appropriate, its relevance to the theme
a prioritized preference for the proposal: plenary, workshop or

Proposals should be submitted, via e-mail if possible, no later than
August 15, 1999 to:

Meg Mering
NASIG Secretary
Principal Serials Cataloger
N209 Love Library
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln NE 68588-0410
Phone: 402-472-2517
Fax: 402-472-5131