M-Bed(sm): A Registry of Embedded Multimedia Electronic Journals Gerry Mckiernan 02 Jul 1999 14:49 UTC

_M-Bed(sm): A Registry of Embedded Multimedia Electronic Journals_

   I am pleased to announcement the formal establishment of
a new registry of electronic journals that incorporate or integrate
embedded multimedia within their e-articles. The registry is

_M-Bed(sm): A Registry of Embedded Multimedia Electronic Journals_

and is accessible from


   Currently the registry is only an alphabetical listing of identified
e-journal titles. As time permits, I will be preparing specialized indexes
by type of multimedia and plug-in as well. The registry also contains a
General Bibliography of key works on the topic of multimedia in

   I have prepared a 2,000 word newsletter article on "Embedded Multimedia
in Electronic Journals" that is scheduled to be published within the
newsletter of the Special Interest Group on Visualization, Images, and
Sound (VIS) of the American Society for Information Science (ASIS) in the
near future. The address for the ASIS SIG VIS is


   I would greatly appreciate learning of additional multimedia e-journals
as well as receiving citations/sitations to any high-relevant literature
not currently listed for expanded article I will be preparing this summer
for a Fall deadline.

   I wish to express my gratitude to all who contributed nominations for
this listing as well as relevant citations from my previous queries.

   Thanks again to all!

/Gerry McKiernan
Theoretical Librarian
Iowa State University
Ames IA 50011


 "Words still have ... primacy, but they can be illuminated by images and moving pictures and by numbers and by sounds."
 Tom Wilson / "In the Beginning Was the Word ..." /                                         ELVIRA2: 4

P.S. Please explore the EmBEDed multimedia in the
registry's logo [Forgive for the link from the graphic -
my wife's from Michigan and I couldn't resist (Go (Big) Blue {;-)]