Antichita Viva 36.4 (1997)- Stephen Perisho 23 Dec 1999 14:28 UTC

        Is anyone else out there having difficulty securing the (formerly?)
Florentine journal Antichit� Viva?  Despite a TREMENDOUS expenditure of
effort by all hands, and despite promising noises from (in her own words)
"the present editor", Ms. Emanuela Andreatta, I have yet to see anything
after vol. 36 no. 2/3 (1997).
        Or perhaps I should ask, Is anyone out there having SUCCESS?  And:
If so, would you be willing to drop this poor, desperate "librarian" a crumb
or two of advice?

Best wishes,

Steve Perisho
Historical Studies-Social Science Library
Institute for Advanced Study
Olden Lane
Princeton, New Jersey  08540
United States of America

Tel.:  609 734 8378; Fax:  609 951 4515