Combined price for Current Opinion journals (2001) Alfred Kraemer 30 Dec 1999 18:28 UTC

I wonder if someone else has noticed the footnote on  2001 subscription
prices for Current Opinion journals. Earlier today when I looked at
prices for Current Opinion in Genetics and Development at the Current
Trends website( I noticed a footnote
which contains the following statement:


                             Renewing institutes will be billed at 100%
print price. Online access with then be billed separately at 35% of
the institutional print price.
                             Newly-subscribing institutes will be billed
at 135% of institutional print price.
                             EU customers will be liable to VAT on the
online portion of their subscription
                             All print and online institutional
subscriptions will be renewable at 135% of print price in 2001 on a single
                             Print/online access will run from January
1st to December 31st 2000


Please take a close look at 2.d above. I have sent a request for
clarification to Elsevier: does it mean the end of the print-only
subscription for these journals and an automatice 35% increase?
Is there anyone on this list with further information about that
statement? Are there other Elsevier journals with similar announcements?

                Alfred Kraemer
                Head, Technical Services
                Medical College of Wisconsin Libraries
                8701 Watertown Plank Road
                Milwaukee, WI 53226