Coping with multimedia features and document formats in e-journals (Stefaan Renard) Marcia Tuttle 07 Dec 1999 17:00 UTC

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Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 10:28:35 +0100
From: Stefaan Renard <>
Subject: Coping with multimedia features and document formats in e-journals

How do you support your patrons at (local or remote) workstations for
viewing multimedia features (sound, video) and other internet formats in
e-journals ?

Do you maintain a local software library with plug-ins and viewers for all
potential file extensions (pro : direct / con : maintenance) or do you
link to plug-in libraries like BrowserWatch Plug-In Plaza (pro : extensive
list / con : not the latest versions, not direct : via and
just a link to the homepage of the developer (not user-friendly) and
Netscape plug-in (pro : annotations, direct, searchable / con : Netscape
registration required for several downloads) ?

Stefaan Renard, CROCODIL-medewerker
(CROss-platform CO-operation for a DIgital Library)
VUB, Universiteitsbibliotheek
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel (Belgium)
Gebouw B, lokaal 2 B 112 C
tel : +32- (0) 2-629.38.57 (direct) / +32- (0) 2-629.26.09
e-mail :