Barcoding of Microfilm & Loose Issues (Leslie Berger) Marcia Tuttle 08 Dec 1999 01:23 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1999 15:53:44 -0500
From: Leslie Berger <Leslie.Berger@PO-BOX.ESU.EDU>
Subject: Barcoding of Microfilm & Loose Issues

Dear Colleagues,

      We are picking up a barcoding project that was not completed the first
time around. As a new serials person I am wondering how you handle barcoding
of reels of microfilm? Also, how do you handle loose issues? We have some
subscriptions that we only keep for 6 months or perhaps two years. They
don't get bound or microfilmed. How have other libraries handled this?

       Please respond directly to me. If there is any interest among the
list members I can summarize for the list.

       Thanks in advance for the advice.

           Leslie Berger
          East Stroudsburg University

Leslie A. Berger
Periodicals/Electronic Resources Librarian
Kemp Library
East Stroudsburg University
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301-2988