Barcoding film, etc. (Debra Taylor) Marcia Tuttle 08 Dec 1999 15:59 UTC

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Date: Wed, 08 Dec 1999 08:38:00 -0500
From: Debra Taylor <>
Subject: Barcoding film, etc.

At Indiana State University, we place the barcode on the side of the
film box, so that when you have the box so that you can read the title
and volume info, the barcode is just underneath all that but facing you
on the side. (Hope that made sense to you!)  I try to keep the placement
of the barcode uniform, so if the box is printed long ways (like they do
for Washington Post) instead of sideways, the barcode is still on the
same side of the box.  The item records and MARC records are treated the
same as any other serial.

All our Microforms have the location:  micf,
Then the type of microform it is:  (eg.) per
The call number is simply the type of microform it is:  Microfilm,
Microfiche, etc.
(In the case of microfiche, if it has a specific author, we use the
first seven letters of the authors last name as the point of difference.
 eg. -
   |b ISmicf |h Microfiche |i Smith J)

The Perm Loc on the item record is the same:  micf,per
The item type is: ncir micr  (non-circulating microform)

As far as our loose items are concerned, they are kept alphabetically
on the shelf in periodicals until they are either bound or disposed of
in some way.  The shelf is labeled with each title and beside the title
we place a barcode.  The students are armed with portable barcode
scanners and when they place the items back on the shelf after being
used, they scan the barcode once for each item they put back on the

Hope this helps.

Deb Taylor