Re: Subscription renewals (5 messages) Birdie MacLennan 16 Dec 1999 21:18 UTC

5 messages, 163 lines:

Date:         Thu, 16 Dec 1999 09:41:51 -0800
From:         Carol Morse <MorsCa@WWC.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Subscription renewals

Yes, they come in every day.  I look though them.  If it's an Ebsco title,
I usually toss it, after checking if the expiration date is reasonable
correct.  If it's really off, I send the notice to Ebsco.  It's a question
of the right hand not knowing what the left hand does.

Carol Morse                                       Tel.  509) 527-2684
Serials Librarian                                   Fax 509) 527-2001
Walla Walla College Library                     Email
105 S.W. Adams St.
College Place, WA  99324-1195

Give us strength for the journey and wisdom to know the way.

Date:         Thu, 16 Dec 1999 13:06:28 -0500
From:         Ian Woodward <iwoodward@MAIL.COLGATE.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Subscription renewals

Dear Dr. Picerno:

        I get these notices daily.  I will look at the most recent invoice
we have been issued by the agent through which we order the publication
(if any) and look at the payment record in our OPAC.  If we were billed
and have sent a remittance, I simply discard these junk mail notices.
        I figure that if it is truly so that they have not received or
properly recorded our remittance, the result should become evident when I
run a comprehensive check of the serial records in the database for the
filing of claims. If we are not receiving service on an order I contact
our subscription agent (and they have been doing good work for us this
        We have in excess of two thousand subscriptions. I am fairly
confident about the good order of our check-in records and so have not
found it worthwhile to invest any more of my own time or that of our
account representitive in investigating these notices.  Yours, IW

I. Woodward
Serials Office
Colgate University Libraries
13 Oak Dr.
Hamilton, N.Y. 13346
Tel.: 315-228-7306
Fax: 315-228-7934

Date:         Thu, 16 Dec 1999 12:41:32 -0600
From:         John Lucas <jlucas@ROWLAND.UMSMED.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Subscription renewals


The Subscription agencies usually pay the publisher in October or
November, with some even in December, NO MATTER WHEN YOU PAY.

We pay for our 2000 journals as soon as we get the fiscal year funds
released to us in July.  That way, we take advantage of any early renewal
and pre-payment discounts they may offer.

The publishers send out this blizzard of paper no matter what !!!!!!!!!!!
Usually the first 'notification' comes because their advertising dept.
gets the current year subscription list and sends to everyone.  If the
publisher sends out 2nd, 3rd etc. notices, that is more of an indication
that their advertising dept. mailing lists are actually connected to their
subscription list.  When they receive your money from the agent (if they
have entered your subscription address correctly into their system, the
followup letters will stop)

As for the service charge, the amount usually depends on what the total
invoice to you is, the more you buy, the more stable the service charge
and less chance for an increase.

That's my 2 cents worth, not the Library / institution I work for.  (GOT


John Lucas
Serials Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 North State St
Jackson, MS 39216-4505

(PH) (601) 984-1277
(FAX)  ( 601) 984-1262

Date:         Fri, 17 Dec 1999 08:52:19 +1300
From:         Karen Warren <karen.warren@VUW.AC.NZ>
Subject:      Re: Subscription renewals

Dear Peter,

My understanding of the renewals notices, was that it is simpler for a
publisher to mass-mail all it's subscribers, rather than individually
checking each subscription for payment. Unfortunately for the rest of us
it means that extra worry about whether we've paid or not. We tend to
discard them if we get the title via a vendor, or double check the others
against what we have received and/or our payment records. I think as
others have said, you get to know them after a while.

Hope this helps.

K Warren
Claims Assistant - Periodicals
Victoria University of Wellington Library

Date:         Thu, 16 Dec 1999 12:07:12 -0800
From:         Robert Ferguson <ferguson@WSU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Subscription renewals (8 messages)

We get these notices all the time and simply discard them if the
subscription is with a reliable vendor. We trust our vendors to see that
the subscriptions are renwed, and that trust has proved to be justified.

Robert C. Ferguson
Acquisitions Manager
Washington State University Libraries
Pullman, WA  99164-5610
tel. 509.335.7151
fax  509.335.9589

Peter Picerno wrote:

> Folks:
> I have a potentially dumb question, but do you regularly get
> expiration/renewal/subscription notices from the publishers of your
> journals? I've had a barrage of such stuff this fall (some major
> restructuring in our serials department means that all mail comes directly
> to me now whereas in the past it did not) and wonder, for example, when I
> get a notice saying a subscription is about to expire, whether our
> subscription agency has or has not processed our renewal or paid its bills.
> Incidentally, what are people's service charges like? Ours went up .5%
> between last year and this year, but we have had the same vendor for quite
> some time, so I have no basis for comparison.
> Thanks, in advance, for your help.
> Peter Picerno
> Dr. Peter V. Picerno
> Collection Development Team Leader
> Dean B. Ellis Library
> Arkansas State University
> State University, AR 72467
> (870) 972-3078
> Fax: (870) 972-3199